*Sigh* As if the fires weren't bad enough..

Man, I cannot IMAGINE the feelings you must of had walkin' into that Metal... The good thing is they missed a lot of stuff, but damn it's hard to feel safe I'm sure...

I hope everything calms and returns to some normalcy for you and your son soon!!! :)
sometimes the first break-in is just to grab what's easy and case the place for a future attempt.

Yeah and I think that's why I'm so jumpy. I'm kind of waiting for it to happen again.

My 2nd floor neighbor was home today. Before I left for work I asked him to keep an ear and an eye open. I took half the day and when I was downstairs making noise, I heard his door open and he started to come downstairs.

I peeked my head around and told him it was me.

Then I talked with the nosey neighbor (she's actually so into everyone's business she's been finded for calling the cops unnecessarly.) Got a little info from her- although it's just hersay. But I asked her to call the police if she saw anything as her apartment faces mine and she can see in the back yard from her place.

So hopefully that will offer a little bit more protection.

Thanks for all the well wishes and warm thoughts over my hectic week. Things are already looking up. I had a second interview with a the Senior VP of a company today. About 5 minutes later I get a call from HR and they are sending out a background check packet for me! I see that as a good sign!

Metal: Have you considered talking your landlord into a security system (or a dog) for the house? My friend was 3 days ago broken into as well, but all they took was a PSP with no battery and a broken cell phone. My friend was home but he slept through the whole thing. I guess they noticed and left, but now they know whats in the house, which is even scarier. They're getting an alarm system, it may be a good investment.

Also, I learned at an HOA meeting I went to that someone in our complex got robbed, then 30 days later, were robbed by the same people again. The thing with robberies, is that pro's know you'll have everything replaced within a month, and tend to strike twice if everything is the same. Just an FYI for all of you.
Also, I learned at an HOA meeting I went to that someone in our complex got robbed, then 30 days later, were robbed by the same people again. The thing with robberies, is that pro's know you'll have everything replaced within a month, and tend to strike twice if everything is the same. Just an FYI for all of you.

Yeah, I've done about all I can save for the security system and dog... which I'm looking into both.

And thanks for the congrats! I just hope ProgPower doesn't go down on my record...

I’m sorry – I experienced a break-in when I was living in Nashville in the 1990s. People will say, “it’s just stuff” and “it’s lucky you weren’t home.” They are right to an extent, but that still doesn’t give you back the sense of security that you had before.

What I found really added insult to injury was that the police records are public, so I later started receiving junk mail from insurance companies and security companies saying, ‘We were SO sorry to hear about your recent break-in…” (Yeah, *right*.) I did end up getting renter’s insurance and a security system, but NOT from one of those companies. :mad:
I'm very sorry to hear about this. Having your security violated, or even considering the notion of your security being violated like that, is a scary thing. I have good renters insurance on all my things (especially with all my gear) and I'm very capable of defending myself, but I'm always overly cautious about checking doors, windows, looking around outside a bit before calling it a night, etc. It's such a horrifying thing to deal with and I agree 100% with J-dubbs notion of thieves being shot. I sure as hell don't agree with the backwards mentallity that so many cultures still hold on to, but the idea of thieves having their hands cut off is a genius concept. I think what bothers me almost as much as the the break-in is your mention that the cops didn't believe you or tried to put any of the blame on you. Even in a situation where someone did mistakenly leave a door unlocked, the theif is just as much to blame as if he pried the door open with a crowbar. I should probably stop before I end up ranting about how pissed off I get about laws concerning defense of property and a person's right to defend themselves against tresspassers.

Anyway, sorry again to hear what happened. You seem to be taking it in stride (as much as possible at least) and handling it very wisely.