*sigh* Im an idiot


Old School Youngin
Mar 10, 2002
north carolina
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Drive 3 hours to see hatebreed YEAH!!!!!!! amped, fucking psyched, whoops hatebreed plays tomorrow, OH GODDAMNIT. next, go to a gas station a mexican backs into me, good thing it dented the shit out of him and not me, i was yellin like a son of a bitch and cursing readyt o fight those janitors, next please, driving donw the road take an exit and whoops not a real exit its a little road witha fast invisable 90 degree turn ROOOOOM screaching tires and ran over a cement median and almost landed in a ditch, but fine none the less, take my freind home emotionaly batterd and i come home, walk to the house, a black cat runs right across me and noone int he neighborhood owns a cat, i was like yep takin this one to the grandkids, goddamn what a fucked up night, im going to bed and seeing hatebreed tomorrow, jynx