Sigh/November's Doom/Zimmer's Hole/Unexpect: The Pearl Room September 21


Just a Kid at Heart
I've seen posts for November's Doom on the Forum, but I don't recall seeing a post about them playing in Mokena, Illinois, at The Pearl Room on Sunday, September 21.

I wasn't familiar with Sigh, but I've listened to a few of their CDs and -- although the Cookie Monster vox are out in full force -- I find them interesting. They certainly live up to their description. (They're described as "an avant-garde metal band from Tokyo, Japan.") Very strange music. But, somehow, a bad-accident-beside-the-road sort of way.

Ditto for Unexpect. Strange to the max. (They're described as "an avant-garde extreme metal band from Montreal, Canada.)

I have no idea who Zimmer's Hole is. But if they're anything like the other bands on the bill ("avant-gard"), they're probably pretty out there, too.

Maybe I'm getting more eclectic in my musical tastes. Or less discerning. I can't tell which. But some of this stuff appeals to me.

Anyone thinking of going to this show?
Sigh and Zimmer's Hole would be enough, individually, to get me to this show. November's Doom is icing on the cake, but I'm pretty unfamiliar with Unexpect. I think I saw them on another tour within the last year, but I honestly can't remember.

Bill, Zimmer's Hole is fueled by comedy. Think "Dethklok's predecessors" :lol: The first time I heard Zimmer's Hole was from the Strapping Young Lad lads. I used to be friends with a band that was on tour with SYL once and the guys were playing it for everyone. At the time I got the impression it was just a silly side-project that they never intended to go forth with, and I certainly never expected to hear the name again. Perhaps the end of SYL prompted a more "serious" devotion to the "not so serious" Zimmer's Hole. Honestly, I'm thrilled! And when I saw that Sigh was on tour too, you could have knocked me over with a feather! This is the tour I'm looking forward to the most this year!
I think that November's Doom is only playing on the stop in their home town (Chicago), they don't seem to be a permanent part of the tour.

From what I can tell when SYL went on its first hiatus, Zimmer's Hole was formed to continue on without Devy, and then once it stopped again they reformed to make another album. Zimmer's Hole's latest album is one of the best of the year.
I have slightly conflicting understanding of their startup in my memory, which was that ZH existed on a local/club level before SYL. Devy saw them play and decided to ask them to become the SYL band.
Bill, Zimmer's Hole is fueled by comedy. Think "Dethklok's predecessors" :lol: ... Zimmer's Hole. Honestly, I'm thrilled! And when I saw that Sigh was on tour too, you could have knocked me over with a feather! This is the tour I'm looking forward to the most this year!

Thanks, TZ. Zimmer's Hole does look pretty out there. Their latest album (When You Were Shouting at the Devil...We Were in League With Satan) appears to be very tongue in cheek. At least I hope so. I may not be angelic. But I'm certainly not in league with Beelzebub. :lol:

Unexpect gives me a headache. It's like King Crimson meets Stolen Babies. Very busy, female-fronted metal. Lots going on.

But I've developed a taste for Sigh and November's Doom. Interesting stuff. Especially November's Doom. Anything Travis Smith touches is top-notch in my book. His artwork for ND is amazing.

I'm working on a Press pass for the Mokena gig. I'll be sure to post photos.
:Smug:A press pass?

Sounds like you are interested in the bands.
How about purchasing a ticket and supporting them?

Dude, I've never gotten into a gig for free. I pay my way to all shows, Press pass or not. For that very reason: supporting the bands. My tickets, my articles/interviews, and my photos are all for the purpose of supporting the bands. Oh, and let's not forget the albums. Before I do an interview, I buy nearly every CD from every band with whom I speak so that I know what I'm talking about.

I only need a Press pass to allow me photo access between the crowd barrier and the stage...or from the wings, stage right or left. I don't wish to impose on the record labels, or steal from the bands. So I make my footprint light.
Jeeeeeesus, i've gotten into tons of shows for free with a press pass. It's payment for your efforts to expose more people to the bands. Just like getting promo copies of albums. I don't understand why it's necessary to get on your high horse because you chose to pay for a ticket and enjoy the show while someone else decides to get into a show for free so they can run around trying to get the interview they're supposed to have, then run to the stage to take pictures, spend a few hours cropping and tagging pictures, transcribing said interview and writing up a show review. It's not like press isn't supporting bands.

Ahhh... whatever.
Word. I can vouch for Bill, he is a class act when it comes to reviews and how he handles his business. No need to call anyone out and ridicule them for wanting to do an article or interview. I believe Bill is doing more to 'support the bands' than a single ticket purchase would.
Sorry, I guess I read your post to be "I am on the fence about going, so if I get a press pass and get in free I will go"

I didn't take it as you were going for sure, but just hope to get a press pass as well.

I do certainly realize the MAJOR benefit bands get from having people review shows and discs, and snap pics at the gigs.

I used to promote shows in college.
I have heard EVERY reason and excuse in the book as to why someone expected to get in a show for free:
- 1) I drove X amount of hours to get here
- 2) I printed off flyers and put them in one store
- 3) I know the band and am going to help carry in their gear
- 4) etc, etc, etc.........

Sorry for the misunderstanding.
As I said, I read it as that you were only going to go if you could get in for free (Which does not seem to be the case)