Sigur Rós - ( ) and concert tickets


Apr 10, 2002
Bay Area, USA
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I've heard so much about this band...I saw ( ) looming at me from the virgin megastore yesterday and bought it.

Probably the last time I'd been so blown away by something was my first listen to the song Blackwater Park's opening riff, my first listen of Kid A, my first listen of Rachmaninoff's 3rd.

This album is so incredible! Anyways, I'm planning on buying aegetis... (sp?)... and von (when I can afford it).

More importantly, I already have 2 tickets for the April 8th live show in Oakland, CA. Is anyone else going to be there???
I'm going to this same show. I saw them in November was it? at the Warfield. The show...honestly, was as good as the Opeth show at the Pound this January. Anyway, I'm so glad to see that people on this list are listening to this....because to me they are the exact opposite of Opeth....and yet just the same somehow. Sigur Ros is really one of my faves. Anyway....I'll be at the Oakland show too.
Also, I meant to say that Agaetis Byrjun is definately worth your time. I bought it when it was their "latest" and couldn't believe what I was hearing. When ( ) came out I somehow managed to forget about it because it was amazing too......anyway it has a lot more of the cascading bowed guitar's just as good in the end.....
Cool. I'm in same section....row EE I think...don't have the tickets with me fact haven't received them yet. I was surprised what I ended up with though (good but not right up front) because I literally bought them about 5 minutes after the presale started on Sigur's website. Go figure. I'll post exact seats when I check the receipt I printed out.....and keep an eye out for ya there. I probably wear my Opeth shirt too.....just to stir the pot as it were.
As much as I dig Sigur Ros' music, how can they play a concert. IMO, it would be quite boring. Or perhaps, there concerts are like Pink Floyd, you may have to experience them live?:confused:
I saw them last time through here....and really it was incredible. I would compare them to Tool live; video screen, minimalist lights...sort of. Really, it was wildly entertaining....but that has more to do with how dynamic the music is. After the show I said to my wife, "I can't believe that actually really sound like that..." Meaning, one might get the impression that their sounds are all sampled or something....and maybe they are, but the fact that these little guys on stage managed to reproduce the same sounds as the record live floored me. The records are not slick production....that is the sound that the band produces. So, point is that makes it entertaining in and of itself. 'Course they don't break their guitars or headbang or anything....but trust me it was awesome. I think the world of their records though, which no doubt has something to do with my opinion of the show. It was moving.....oh, and there was a string quartet on stage with them.