Silent Lapse - Birthright


Autopsy Obsessed
May 3, 2005
Silent Lapse- Birthright
Unsigned - 2009
By Jason Wick


As an enthusiastic fan of anything prog metal I am constantly on the lookout for new material that looks to step into fresh territory. This is a genre that leans heavily on musical composition, and it is the composition of the debut Silent Lapse album Birthright that both shows great potential for the band, yet holds the album back from being something all that special to listen to.

Performance wise Silent Lapse prove to be quite capable of standing side by side with all the positive progressive metal cliché’s. That said, nothing presented on this release is capable of projecting the members as noteworthy musicians, nor as unique songwriters. On Birthright influences are worn on the sleeves of this ensemble. While this is by no means a bad thing, and the said influences come from many far reached corners within the genre, it does prevent the album from ever becoming a stand out entity.

When it comes down to the composition of this debut you will find many really powerful passages that are enough to keep interests piqued throughout most of the album, with a few songs where the ideas presented by the act hold strong for the tracks entirety. Unfortunately however the album as a whole falls short of the potential presented by talent laced throughout some of the better verses. Most tracks on Birthright are supported by a couple strong moments alone that are not aptly tied together with equally thoughtful material.

All in all Silent Lapse doesn’t come off as an all too impressive act, but they have presented a few strong songs and many segments that are done well enough to keep me interested in their music. I feel Birthright shows a lot of potential that we can hope carries forth to their future material as the band members progress as both song writers and musicians. Consistency was the main downfall of this album; fortunately the band also proved they have the ability to make great music. Let’s just look forward to the day their material is less fragmented.

The Official Silent Lapse Website

The Official Silent Lapse MySpace