Silent Lapse to be featured on WKAR's 'BackStage Pass'!

matt schrauben

Curse You All Men!
Jan 24, 2006
Westphalia, MI
Silent Lapse is going to be featured on the public broadcasting station WKAR's (PBS, NPR) BackStage pass program. The program was directed by the same man behind the camera for our music video 'The Wake', Brett King.

This is exciting both for us and the network, as we are the first metal band to ever perform on this program, (or even the network for that matter) and this begins a new direction for the program.

WKAR plans to broadcast the program nationally this coming January debuting the season with Silent Lapse.

Here is a video showing clips of the upcoming season. Skip to 1:56 to see our (rather short)clip.


P.S. There is a plan to make a longer trailer for us. Also, we'll keep you updated as to when this will air.
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Watched the whole show last night, and I must say i'm very impressed from all aspects.. I've always known your guys material was awesome, because I've listened to your cd many many times... But you guys are very tight live band as well. Congrats, i hope this gets you guys the exposure you deserve. Also i love the new songs you have..
Kind of a funny story.. Well not really funny but ironic i suppose..
Anyways, so my brother was going to come out with me on saturday to the battle of the bands, but he couldn't find anyone to switch days with him at work.. (he works 3rd shift as a prison guard in carson city)

Anyways, i told him the next day that you guys were awesome, and then he told me a bunch of inmates were watching the backstage pass episode on PBS and were really into it.
Wow! That is really really cool! I used to work for Corrections in the education central office. I miss it. One time I went to a GED graduation and helped unfold a keyboard stand. So... that was cool I guess.