Silent Night, Bodom Night???

Peti said:
1. stop downloading
2. buy the cd
3. check the booklet

ouh.. joined date: 2006 may, location: usa.

sorry I didn't say anything.

If you really like an artsist then you wont download their music because if they've made such good music they deserve to get money for it!
Rock Hydra said:
If I'm not mistaken, Black Widow was not on the Followthe Reaper Album.

So your booklet has:

Follow the Reaper
Children of Decadenec
Mask of Sanity
Everytime I Die
Kissing the Shadows
Taste of my Scythe
Northern Comfort
Hate Me

<-Warheart-> said:
So your booklet has:

Follow the Reaper
Children of Decadenec
Mask of Sanity
Everytime I Die
Kissing the Shadows
Taste of my Scythe
Northern Comfort
Hate Me


The inside page has a band pic. the page on the right has Follow the Reaper
the next two pages are 2-page spread of what looks like lake bodom (after midnight??).
Then the rest of the pages have the rest of the lyrics one on each page.
^ So you have lyrics for Mask of Sanity, Taste of My Scythe & Northern Comfort? Is that what you're saying? That's pretty fucking weird :D How has this spared from publicity? Post them here immediately if that is true. And no or shit like that thank u..
Joonas Lehtonen said:
^ So you have lyrics for Mask of Sanity, Taste of My Scythe & Northern Comfort? Is that what you're saying? That's pretty fucking weird :D How has this spared from publicity? Post them here immediately if that is true. And no or shit like that thank u..

Well, I keep my CD's at my mom's house, which is like 70 miles from my apartment. But, i'm going there this weekend. I'll take pics too if you'd like too.

Oh yeah, what's also fucked up....Nobody here's mentioned it as I've seen. The track beginning's/endings are fucked up for my HCDR album as well. They don't seem to end at the right times or something. Is that the same with everyone else. The big one that stands out to me as I'm thinking is the the end of Bodom beach terror then to the intro of Angel's don't kill, like half of talking in the intermission is split between the tracks.

Is that how it's supposed to be?
Well, all my CoB CDs got fucked when I had them along on a night out. Gotta get this CD shaving disk and undo the scars and shit..

Why can't they just release all the fucking lyrics, it's retarded.

But anyway, as soon as you get them..
Why would they suck more than another website?
I think they're well presented (darklyrics is kinda of the easier way to check a discography by a band), and most of the time original. For example lyrics by Behemoth or Nile are documented as in their own booklet.

But as I bet you based your judgement on CoB, of course lyrics sucks, most of them haven't even been wrote by Laiho, it's just an interpretation of words he screams.
Rock Hydra said:
Well, I keep my CD's at my mom's house, which is like 70 miles from my apartment. But, i'm going there this weekend. I'll take pics too if you'd like too.

Listen dude, you'd better stand up for your words and not make these silly stories up. What kind of satisfaction do you get from that? Is there no other way to make people look up to you?

Such a booklet does not exist.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Listen dude, you'd better stand up for your words and not make these silly stories up. What kind of satisfaction do you get from that? Is there no other way to make people look up to you?

Hey, you need to calm yourself down. I checked my book and I was wrong. There are like 3 songs that aren't in there, instead of just one.

Joonas Lehtonen said:
Such a booklet does not exist.

Yeah, you're right...Happy?