Silent night live video

bodomite said:
use grokster... kazaa is shit!
too mucgh fucking spyware on it!

Get Kazaa Lite which has no spyware, or get Soulseek which has MANY more files that turn up when you do a search, although downloads on Kazaa are usually faster for me since it takes it from many different people.

By the way, I also have a live video for "Hate Me!" downloaded, and the Needled 24/7 music video, the former is particularly kick ass. Anyone seen it?
i think it's fake! it's fake!
in some parts of the video someone is saying like "ugh" or "grr" or "roaaaaar" with a voice that is very similiar alexis when alexi isnt near the mic! fake fake fake fake fake!
still gives me a hardon though
slaesh said:
i think it's fake! it's fake!
You see, they played two gigs in Tokyo that time, and the deal with the video is that the audio is from one gig and the visual stuff is the best stuff from both gigs. So, you may hear Alexi scream even tho' he isn't near a mic.

There. Hope that sorts something out.
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yeah, still it's fake.. hate those kind of videos! a livevideo should be from ONE concert with that concert's sounds! or else it just does'nt feels real
Extendar said:
You see, they played two gigs in Tokyo that time, and the deal with the video is that the audio is from one gig and the visual stuff is the best stuff from both gigs. So, you may hear Alexi scream even tho' he isn't near a mic.

That sucks!

Spinefarm metal DVD sucks too :lol: