Simon Cowell is on Crack

Simon Cowell, a judge on Fox television's "American Idol," has some choice words about 23-year-old singer Beyonce Knowles.

"I find the whole Beyonce thing really mystifying," Cowell says in Esquire magazine, on newsstands Friday. "She's not sexy, she hasn't got a great body and she's not a great singer."

not sexy!!!!?!?!?! Simon are you on fucking heroin????!?!?!
yea what a supreme asshole that guy is.
obviously he digs chicks that are totally emaciated or something and has no sense of style. what do you expect from a dumy british guy anyway? his teeth are probably furry too.
Dude is just a straight up asshole, he is rediculously critical of people who can actually sing, not to mention the way he treats those who can't. Plus WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, who have you produced. I mean I don't like Beyonce's music but if you can't see the obvious potential there for selling shit tons of albums you can't possibly be very good at what you do. He's probably just trying to validate to himself having passed up the chance to sign her at some point or something.
She has an okay voice but is waaaaaaaaaaaaay hot.

I remember when Simon talked about Britney Spears, saying "she thinks she's sexy, but she's not." It's true. She dances like a horse! Only horses can dance like horses and still remain sexy!
Yeah, I think Simon is pretty lame. I think it's rather telling of the state of pop music right now that he is one of the most influential voices concerning what is "cool" and what "isn't" in music and people eat that shit right up. I don't care how much money he makes or how successful he's been producing hit music, there's no way I'd take the guy's advice on much of anything.

And when he's on his deathbed, I hope he looks back and regrets all the crap he's put out over the years and realizes in one final moment that he accomplished nothing with any lasting significance and that everything he supported more or less faded from the public's collective musical memory no more than six months after its release. I mean, looking at music now, I could see Beyonce gaining the sort of status in R&B that somebody like Aretha Franklin holds now somewhere down the line, because she seems to have that universal appeal and staying power. I highly doubt any of the crap Simon lauded on American Idol will fare as well over the years.

Simon Cowell is a cock.
I think those records were all pretty big in the UK actually

and I think that Simon is actually pretty spot-on most of the time. he doesn't always express himself that well and is wrong about Beyonce, but he really does know pop music pretty well.
Also, I never really watch the show, but is Simon kind of the unofficial "top dog" of the three judges? I get that impression from the few times I've seen it. It might not be an intentional thing, but maybe it's because he's the harshest critic and the biggest asshole most of the time that the other two seem to defer to him as if his judgment carries the most weight.
i noticed last night was auditions from st. louis, but all i caught was the visage of triplets in nasty pink minidresses with too much eye makeup. anything dece or wonderfully horrible? i refused to seriously watch after they told me my audition was removed from the tv footage for "unnecessary and flagrant bodily exposure".