Simon Cowell is on Crack

I agree with Avi on that one. I don't think he criticize the wrong people, he does criticize very harshly and at least he has the courage to tell it right in their face.

I have written a review that was a thesaurus of the word shit, and I never met the artist. I kind of regret it now....
Simon is rather mean at times... but it is true at times too.

Except about Beyonce. She's so beautiful and I like her singing. Not as much as death metal but I like.
Granted there are some people on there who are really bad and they deserve to be treated that way for not realizing how bad they are before going on the show.
The Dope said:
Granted there are some people on there who are really bad and they deserve to be treated that way for not realizing how bad they are before going on the show.
hahaha, I think this is a situation that was on one of the episodes:

simon: you...are a terrible singer
singer: no i'm not
simon: yes, you are
singer: no i'm not
simon: yes, you are
singer: no i'm not, and nothing you can say will change that
simon: yes, you are really really terrible

This went on for a while and occassionally she would break out into song.
Yeah, I really don't understand how so many horrible singers are out there who not only don't think they're bad, but actually think they are quite good. I mean, not knowing you are the worst singer on earth is one thing, but mistaking that for excellence is another. It almost makes me think that the really bad auditions are staged for entertainment purposes.

Then I stop and remember that a lot of people are idiots.
Well one explanation is that not everyone who goes to the auditions goes to Simon and the other judges, there are several auditions before that, which the show producers do. Only difference is the producers are looking for television ratings, not necessarily only good singers. Therefore they probably send on a bunch of people who they know suck so that we can all have our William Hungs and laugh at how dreadful they are. Only they surely don't tell those people thats why they are being sent on, which might give them an inflated sense of confidence.
Well one guy on the first night go killed in the audition, by everyone and not only Simon, and went on a rant saying that he was sexy, hot and talented and that he would make millions etc... and strangely enough we saw him again later in the show singing another song in one fo those quick "worst of" segments of the show. Somehow that doesn't make sense that he would be willing to further humiliate himself after that one....

I think a lot of the bad auditions are staged.
I really do think some of those people are just so crazy deluded that the producers don't even really need to do much of anything. it wouldn't even matter if they did laugh at them.