Since it's become trendy... my trade list

NAD said:
Amorphis "Elegy" (I want to like this band)
Oh but you will. And while we're on the subject of a caveman bartering system, if you don't like that Amorphis CD-R, I shall be happy to take it off your hands for some grass cuttings and and a rusty spoon.
@JayK: Deal! :loco:

I'm starting to like Tuonela a bit, but I don't see myself enjoying it much 6 months down the line.

@Erik: No, jewel cases aren't necessary. I'm sure that would push the shipping well beyond the worth of a used CD anyhow.
Where does one find those plastic slip thingies? I thought about getting those slimline jewel cases, but those are gay and just as expensive as regular cases (I think).
NAD said:
Where does one find those plastic slip thingies? I thought about getting those slimline jewel cases, but those are gay and just as expensive as regular cases (I think).
CompUSA, Staples, Office Depot - all sell them. I have the paper ones which are just as good IMO.
Hmm, I looked at Staples the other day, no dice. Maybe I should've spent more than 30 seconds searching.

Vintersorg and Agalloch on the same CD-R is fine, but could you put Agalloch first in case I don't like Vintersorg? :loco:
By the way, if anyone else on staff wanted any of my CDs, you might want to let me know here since I won't have RC e-mail for another 24 hours or so.

Reimage machine = Re-install Eudora, Dreamweaver, etc. Ugh. :ill:
I just don't want my Agalloch Listening Experience to be tainted by manically searching through shite tracks just to find it each time. :Spin:

I'm not sure why I'm so skeptical about Vintersorg, I think seeing fanboys of Opethian nature did it though.
Erik said:
KayJeeley, figured out what you want yet?
Not just yet. Are you in any rush for any of my CDs, 'cos if you are, I can happily send them over to you before we do any trading. Let me know now and I can pop them in the mail today.

Going from memory, because I lost all recent e-mail, you're interested in Avernus, Windir, Serenade, Sarcastic, and Lake of Tears, right? Just pick what you want and I'll send them over.
Erik said:
EDIT: Of course, if there are even more CD-R's that you want from me I'll be interested in getting one or two of those other CD's you mentioned. Just let me know how many you want.
Yes, I'll put them all on hold for you until I make my list.
Erik said:
Hey NAD, I'm burning your CD's now (three down, two to go) and will send 'em off tomorrow, FYI.
:rock: I burned one CD-R last night, but haven't decided on the second yet, so it'll all go out on Monday.
Cool, thanks. You know I love ambient! I just hope it isn't past track 9, I'll get lazy clicking by then. :Spin:
GAH! Track 10?!?!? I'll never hear it. :p

I think instead of collecting just stamps I want to start collecting puffy envelopes with the stamps still attached, so this will make a good start.