If we are talking about the same band, fronted by Kimberly Goss, they can go away for all I care... horrible band. Would be much better if they kicked her out and actually got someone with some attitude... I love COB, but I loathe Sinergy. And don't get me started on the studio cover of Number of The Beast that they did, Kimberly fucked up the lyrics, ON A COVER SONG IN THE STUDIO!!!! There is a certain degree of professionalism that you need to front a band, and she sure as hell doesn't possess it.
If we are talking about the same band, fronted by Kimberly Goss, they can go away for all I care... horrible band. Would be much better if they kicked her out and actually got someone with some attitude... I love COB, but I loathe Sinergy. And don't get me started on the studio cover of Number of The Beast that they did, Kimberly fucked up the lyrics, ON A COVER SONG IN THE STUDIO!!!! There is a certain degree of professionalism that you need to front a band, and she sure as hell doesn't possess it.

Wow, tell us how you really feel! LOL!!! :lol:
I would LOVE to hear a new Sinergy album, but I posted a snippet of an interview on here awhile back in a different thread, one member of the band said that they hadn't talked to Kim in a few years or something like that. Or the album hadn't been touched in a few years, something to that effect.

So it's unlikely that a new Sinergy album will ever come. :mad:
Kim Goss is busy playing music journalist. Besides, unless your name is Kim Goss, Sinergy is a glorified side project of CoB. If you ARE Kim Goss, Sinergy is your answer to Evanescense. i.e. The Kim Goss Band.
I quite liked Sinergy, massive lead guitar stuff! I'm guessing COB has taken precedence so it's doubtful we'll ever hear a new album but I'd love to hear fresh material from them...
Sinergy worked on new material and afaik also recorded something back in 2003-2004. I saw them live in summer 2004 but that was one of the last gigs they did. Kimbely Goss and Alexi Laiho divorced in 2004 which may have become the main reason the band went on what looks like an everlasting hiatus. Since then there were all kinds of excuses and lots of rumours about postponing and delays of the CD but for the last five years nobody seems to hvae clue any more.

This is the last 100% reliable comment I've seen about Sinergy. It's from Lauri Porra the bassit of Sinergy:

Apr 1. 2009 Someone hypeing on the Stratovarius board:
I'm dying for the new Sinergy Lauri!!!!!!! *drools*
Lauri Porra reply:
I was too, 6 years ago. Now i have sort of lost hope. Who knows 2015 might be the year...

So better prepare to wait for another six years... :Smug:

Sinergy worked on new material and afaik also recorded something back in 2003-2004. I saw them live in summer 2004 but that was one of the last gigs they did. Kimbely Goss and Alexi Laiho divorced in 2004 which may have become the main reason the band went on what looks like an everlasting hiatus. Since then there were all kinds of excuses and lots of rumours about postponing and delays of the CD but for the last five years nobody seems to hvae clue any more.

This is the last 100% reliable comment I've seen about Sinergy. It's from Lauri Porra the bassit of Sinergy:

Apr 1. 2009 Someone hypeing on the Stratovarius board:

Lauri Porra reply:

So better prepare to wait for another six years... :Smug:


To think about it, why would Alexi do ANYTHING for his ex? She is probably eating bonbons and writing her music articles while cashing Alexi's alimony checks. I mean, why should Alexi give up making money with CoB and basically pay to play with Sinergy?
Rofl, have we not met?

*extends hand*

"Hi, I'm an asshole, and you are?"

No, I guess we haven't.

*shakes hand*

"Nice to meet you asshole, I'm a dickhead."

I probably would've said the same thing you did though, I love some of Sinergy's music......but just the music.

Kimberly Goss is fine in the background on keys or something, but she is proof that although anyone can be in a band, not everyone should!
No, I guess we haven't.

*shakes hand*

"Nice to meet you asshole, I'm a dickhead."

I probably would've said the same thing you did though, I love some of Sinergy's music......but just the music.

Kimberly Goss is fine in the background on keys or something, but she is proof that although anyone can be in a band, not everyone should!

I couldn't have said it any better myself. The first time I heard Sinergy, I was like "fuck yea, it's like Bodom!" and then she started singing and I turned it off... If they were to get rid of her and get either a male singer, or a female singer who has some attitude, then I could probably dig them again, but I don't see that happening, COB makes them too much money.