Pagan's Mind

Give this band a shot...I had no clue, not one clue who they were..But thankfully I gave them a chance and caught them at PP....To me, they stole the show with their lead guitar and their amazing time changes..Enigmatic Calling blows any album away in the last 2 years..This band has it all...
As for Zero Hour, they rock as well..But their last album flat out blew and thankfully they have changed lead singers..Plus their PP performance was flat out lame with only one guitarist...But, Towers is still one of my all time favorites and reminds me very much of 2112....But, to each his own!!:kickass:

I also missed them to the first time. I did see them at PP Europe last year. Very cool dudes. They are supposed to do a few shows in the states later this year, no word yet to where.