Singer Aaliyah killed in plane crash


Coolest Opeth Fan
Jul 17, 2001
I know she has NOTHING to do with metal, but she is a singer, and many of you might have seen her in Romeo Must Die. What is it with musicians and plane crashes? Another singer dies this way! Maybe someone should tell Opeth to travel by Boat.

My prayers go out to her family and friends. I hated her music, but she was a decent flirt in RMD, and she might have made a good B-level actress. I also heard she was nice.
Sincere condolances to the family and friends of all of the victims.

Now that being said: overdoses, plane crashes, and skiing into trees. If you're a celebrity, you apparently have three forms of death from which to choose (give or take the odd sandwich).

I'm reminded of Denis Leary's little transitional lines from No Cure for Cancer.
i.e. "Personally, I think Billy Martin said it best when he said 'Hey! I can drive.'"
"Jim Henson said it best when he said 'Anybody got any asprin, I think I've got a cold.'"
"Personally, I think Mama Cass said it best when she said, [Choking noises]
All the leaves are... [Choking noises]
Moooooonday... [Choking noises]"
Well i'll tell ya what... people die every day.... people that arent so "special" and "talented" ..... people die young every day.... people die unfairly every day..... but why is it when someone like this dies that everyone is so concerned.... what about the poor 12 year old child in the ghetto that has to pick garbage to survive..... now..... just becuase someone is famous and they are "going places" or doing good things... doesnt mean that its time to make a big deal ----- 8 people died in that fucking crash not just 1..... EIGHT people died... and all people talk about is aaliyah...

some girl said this to me yesterday out of the blue "oh its such a shame that she died... its so shocking... i can't believe it... i mean she was going places... she was so talented and beautiful"

.....8 people
yeah i found out this morning when someone phoned my brother about it, i sent some friends an email about it, only 22 too, i just told my friends that they should live life before it goes away, im surprised that even though i dont like that music its a sad thing to happen.

only one thing to say though that maybe contraverstial, but i often find that when someone in the entertainment industry dies or gets aids or cancer etc. they seem to get awards and good album reviews etc when they not always deserve them, and its just because they died, i mean yeah of course sometimes they do but lets hope that people dont lie and say that she was the best artist etc as to me it cheapens her life.

anyway my thoughts go out to all that loved her and to everyone that has ever lost someone important to them.
why is it when someone like this dies that everyone is so concerned

Because I know of her...I do not know everyone that dies. When I know someone that dies, I feel bad. If someone comes to me and says "Hey, so and so died, this is how he died.." I feel bad. When someone famous dies, everyone feels bad because we sort of knew them. A person lives their lives for everyone to see when they are famous. If they take a shit, we read about it in papers. It is only expected then that when they die, you are going to read about it. Stop being so angry.
That is pretty sad I must say... It is weird that this person whom I have seen on Tv singing, and performing is no longer with us. It is just creepy to think of how things happen, while we were on the computer or listening to music, 8 people died in a plane crash. Dammit life is scary.... :confused:
On MTV they still ran an add for the 2001 MTV music awards saying she was going to host it..or sing on it or something..not only does MTV play bad music, they are slow as well.
Originally posted by Protocol
Driving somewhere is acutally more dangerous than flying. I wouldn't know about boats though...

Yeah, but it just seems like people in music die more from planes then anything...

Oh, and yes Matrix 2 and 3 are being made...