Single mother of 2 fined $220,000 for file-sharing Opeth

well in my humble o, i feel opeth should definately sue her for more because it looks like to me, and only to me maybe you will agree too but only the large record company has made money because this woman illegely downloaded OPETH songs and opeth wont see a dime of the 200,000 unless they sue her for more personally. It looks like to me the record company is stomping all over the little guy by denying opeth (a small, underground death metal act) the right to money got by the use of getting a lawsuit? Yes! I think so.
Did you read the article? Opeth aren't suing anybody.

Anyway, this is totally fucked. The record companies should not have succeeded. Something really needs to change in the world of IP.
I know I was saying that OPETH should be allowed to sue the woman for their own money because thats what they deserve. Mikeal if you read this please sue this woman for all she's worth for stealing your music, I have bought all your records and she does not deserve to steal
You guys shouldn't be so cheap.. Just like every single person on this planet, you too download songs! :Smug:\
I always thought it was seen as Not-illegal (not legal) to download music from the internet?

I also think downloading partly made Opeth what it is today.. I downloaded my first Opeth albums 4 years ago.. Since then I bought them all, I go to their concerts.. I dont hear Opeth complaining about downloads yet..
I know I was saying that OPETH should be allowed to sue the woman for their own money because thats what they deserve. Mikeal if you read this please sue this woman for all she's worth for stealing your music, I have bought all your records and she does not deserve to steal

soooo....yeah...let's completely ignore the fact that most artists make the majority of their money from touring and merchandise sales (yes, which, in turn, can boost album sales).

So hey, maybe this woman actually owns a few opeth records. We have no way of knowing. Maybe she's attended 2 or 3 of their concerts. Hell, maybe she even bought a few shirts!?

i think you're jumping the gun a bit. Downloading an artist's material doesn't necessarily go hand-in-hand with stealing.
I actually think its pretty messed up that they're suing that woman for that much money. I mean....why not just charge her for a little more than what the albums are worth? Because damn, thats pretty much overkill to sue one person that much when the albums are like...what, 10-12$ US. Its not like she hurt them in anyway aside from them not getting like, 50 bucks or something. So because they did not get their money for what the songs were worth...they are now suing her for hundreds of thousands of dollars? Overkill for sure.

Just My two cents.
This whole article is really odd to me, maybe i didn't read the article correctly?
I know I was saying that OPETH should be allowed to sue the woman for their own money because thats what they deserve. Mikeal if you read this please sue this woman for all she's worth for stealing your music, I have bought all your records and she does not deserve to steal

She's not being sued for stealing anything. She's being sued for sharing 24 files on her computer. It's absolutely appalling and something has to be done.

Taking $220,000 in damages from this woman for sharing 24 songs seems more along the lines of stealing than the act of downloading a few songs to listen to.
lol! yes it mentions opeth 'Sweddish death metal band opeth' concidering they didnt site genres for the rest mentioned is very funny, but it is extreme for file sharing but at the end of the day it is illegal, but there trying to scaremonger and make her an example but lets face it, she'll never have to pay that $220,000, she a single mother for gods sake!
They're just making a bad example of her. They could have caught anyone, there's so many bigger file-sharers these days. Kinda funny though, sharing Opeth.
although file sharing is an abomination and nothing real music fans should do,220.000 dollars sems a little bit to high to say the least
although file sharing is an abomination and nothing real music fans should do,220.000 dollars sems a little bit to high to say the least
I do tend to download interesting albums before I buy them. If I like them, I buy them. If I don't, I delete them. After all, it's stupid to go blindly purchasing an album you've never once heard in your life.

As for that lady, $220,000 really is too high, total exaggeration. And Kazaa... :lol: I didn't know people still use that shit.
I do tend to download interesting albums before I buy them. If I like them, I buy them. If I don't, I delete them. After all, it's stupid to go blindly purchasing an album you've never once heard in your life.
It really is. I'd say I've wasted at least $100 on really crap CDs by buying blind, just since spring. But back in the days of Napster I'd have spent double that in half the time and been absolutely thrilled with every purchase.

Haven't bothered to download anything in years though.