Single Wanted. REWARD if some send it to me :)


Haistakaapa vittu!
Nov 23, 2001
Hi people. Someone has two copyes of "CHILDREN OF BODOM CDS" ??? Someone wants to sell his old copy of the CDS??? Contact me, please. If you have it, DO NOT POST HERE, just send me a PM or add me to the ICQ or MSN, ok? :)
Why do you want two copies of each album?? Don´t you think that, although they´re CoB´s albums, it´s a waste of money??

Save that fuckin money and buy something to your mother, for God sake!! I´m sure you didn´t buy her anything for years....
He doesn't want to buy TWO copies, he wants to buy ONE, and asks if anyone had two, for he could give him the other one...
And buy your mum something yourself... tss...
Who the hell are you? His lawyer? :Smug:

Let´s see, he is asking if someone has 2 copies of the albums, and in that case, if that guy could SELL him 1 copy. Well, as he has the albums ALREADY, then that´s the reason I´m fuckin asking why he wants to pay for an album that has ALREADY.

And I have fuckin bought a present for my mum already, because next week is her fuckin birthday, you got it??!!!! :Smokedev:

Illo Nando, si yo tengo razón en todo esto, pues escribe por aqui que yo tengo razón. Sino, pues no escribas nada!! Paso de que este mamon me vacile.... ;)
Originally posted by Zicrom
Who the hell are you? His lawyer? :Smug:

Let´s see, he is asking if someone has 2 copies of the albums, and in that case, if that guy could SELL him 1 copy. Well, as he has the albums ALREADY, then that´s the reason I´m fuckin asking why he wants to pay for an album that has ALREADY.

And I have fuckin bought a present for my mum already, because next week is her fuckin birthday, you got it??!!!! :Smokedev:

Illo Nando, si yo tengo razón en todo esto, pues escribe por aqui que yo tengo razón. Sino, pues no escribas nada!! Paso de que este mamon me vacile.... ;)

Hey! Northern Viking is right. And you. A bit. I only need COB CDS cause I dont have this single. I have all but this. (Past week I received Downfall and next week I will receive YBOD).

So both has reason. And.... I NEED THE CHILDREN OF BODOM SINGLE!!!!! :)
Well, I have two copies...... :headbang: :headbang:

But I'm not ready to sell either one. I may get my hands on yet another copy and then I would be able to sell you one, but as that isn't a sure thing, I'll leave it open and make sure to tell you if I get the extra extra copy.