All the 4 Bodom cd-singles still for sale!!!
I allready had a buyer, but thanks to Thilo. F from Germany for wasting my time, who never intended to buy them...Fuck you boy!!!!!
Children OF Bodom: Children Of Bodom Cds
1.Children of bodom
2.Cryhavoc: Repent
3.Wizzard: Iron, steel, metal
Children Of Bodom: Downfall Cds
2.No commands (Cover of Finnish Kult Thrash Band)
Children Of Bodom: Hate Me Cds
1.Hate me
2.Hellion (Wasp Cover)
Children Of Bodom: You're Better Of Dead Cds
1.You're Better Off Dead
2.Somebody Put Something In My Drink (Ramones Cover)
All singles are in excellent condition and I will only sell all 4 singles together!!!
They are located in Finland, but I can ship them anywhere in the world!!!
If you're interested you can contact me:
1. A real buyer does not waste seller's time, asking stupid questions like "How much you want for em" etc but makes an offer and the seller will jugde it wheather it's good or not.
2. I know I would get good money on ebay, but why don't I sell there? Because I haven't got a bloody credit card!
3. I only accept CASH /$/£
4. Feeling allready offended? DON'T e-mail me!!!
5. Good luck!
6. P.S. I do not read this board, so don't thread here!
7. DO NOT WASTE MY TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the 4 Bodom cd-singles still for sale!!!
I allready had a buyer, but thanks to Thilo. F from Germany for wasting my time, who never intended to buy them...Fuck you boy!!!!!
Children OF Bodom: Children Of Bodom Cds
1.Children of bodom
2.Cryhavoc: Repent
3.Wizzard: Iron, steel, metal
Children Of Bodom: Downfall Cds
2.No commands (Cover of Finnish Kult Thrash Band)
Children Of Bodom: Hate Me Cds
1.Hate me
2.Hellion (Wasp Cover)
Children Of Bodom: You're Better Of Dead Cds
1.You're Better Off Dead
2.Somebody Put Something In My Drink (Ramones Cover)
All singles are in excellent condition and I will only sell all 4 singles together!!!
They are located in Finland, but I can ship them anywhere in the world!!!
If you're interested you can contact me:
1. A real buyer does not waste seller's time, asking stupid questions like "How much you want for em" etc but makes an offer and the seller will jugde it wheather it's good or not.
2. I know I would get good money on ebay, but why don't I sell there? Because I haven't got a bloody credit card!
3. I only accept CASH /$/£
4. Feeling allready offended? DON'T e-mail me!!!
5. Good luck!
6. P.S. I do not read this board, so don't thread here!
7. DO NOT WASTE MY TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!