Sinister - Afterburner


Apr 5, 2003
Sinister - Afterburner
Candlelight Records - CD CDL170/1498A - 2006
By Brandon Strader


The words that unravelled chaos: "Go!"

It must be said: Afterburner is an extremely odd album. Strange time changes, riffs that come out of nowhere, major scale guitar leads mixed within otherwise minor scale compositions, and cookie monster vocals... A few recommended phrases when listening to Sinister's Afterburner are "Extreme!" , "To the max!" , and last but not least, "Wow."

Here is a death metal group that has ventured into the unknown and resurfaced with a highly original and spontaneous sound. Every little aspect of Afterburner has been meticulously crafted - one can tell simply from the quality that constantly emits from the speaker system. Sinister have taken death metal experimentation to the next level with their slaying riffs and leads, odd echoing dialogue, and percussion that flies faster than a bat out of hell!

Afterburner is definitely a release you will want to remember. The vocal performance alone is enough to get you hooked. A very low death grunt eviscerates menacingly through the mix, with the occasional effect added here and there to enhance the experience - yes, your girlfriend will be very happy with this too. Although Afterburner begins to slow down a tad about half way through, all is not lost... there is still enough present excitement and experimentation to keep you interested, plus a spontaneous outburst of death will put you in your place.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Sinister Website
Official Candlelight Website