I don't have sirius radio but I am wondering if there is any way you can record something from sirius onto a CD. Anyone know?
eighteeschick said:The show is on Sirius 102 and for your time zone, I will be on between 12 and 1 p.m. this Sunday afternoon, June 4. I don't know the exact time, though. Someone from the show will call me and then put me on hold until its my turn to talk.
prime666 said:Congrats chick. I kind of did the smae thing but without the Simmons pep talk. I quit drinking soda, cut down drastically on beer and I gained 6 pounds...... of much needed muscle mass. I hit the gym on an average of four days a week now and lost two inches in on my waste. I'm still a fat fuck but at least I lost the man tits.
karrokid said:Good luck with the weight issue. I dropped about 60 pounds a few years ago but, I've put about 15 back on. I find it easier to live at a comfortable weight than an unrealistic one. I look back at pictures from 150 pounds and see exactly why people were telling me to "eat a sandwich" I look like a stick.
I have cut back on the psycho diet I put myself on but, I still work out 6 days a week. The easiest way I found was to workout no matter how hard it is to drag myself to the gym. Once i get going I'm good . Also keep the real shit junk food out of the house. If it's there I'll eat it. You're more prone to grab the Pringles can than the Apple when you're looking for a quick snack. Congrats on your sucsess .
whitey131 said:That's friggen great 80's. 5o pounds is great. Think of what 50 pounds of potatos look like.
Have you considered doing a 5k yet? The day I did my first 5k was the day I was officially not a fat guy in my head anymore.