Sirius radio

I don't have it either... but I would assume that if you have the ability to play their feed on your computer, you could use a piece of software like GoldWave or Adobe Audition to record the streaming audio.
i have sirius! i listen to hardattack all the time and never thought about even trying to put it on to a cd.
What are you up to 80's Chickolita first looking for Animation programmes now your after music, are you starting up a website? Or a cult, please say its a cult im looking to join a cult I like Kool-Aid....
I don't think this won't be interesting to anyone here but in February, I was down in the dumps, mainly about my weight and my problems. So I wrote to Richard Simmons (chuckle if you want, its ok but I really like the guy) on Saturday, February 18. February 19 was the last day I drank a soda and believe me, I should have had stock in Pepsi I was such an addict. Anyway, about a week later, Richard e-mailed me back and gave me a pep talk. Since January 1 I have lost 50 pounds, 45 of those since February 20. I still have at least another 45 to go but I'll get there. Anyway, after he read my e-mail and responded, I got another e-mail a few days later saying that he wanted me to be on his show as a guest caller, I guess to motivate me or something since my first e-mail was such a downer. However, I've been doing so well that they are putting me in the first hour which, I believe, is the people who are doing really well on the program. I even started jogging (using the site that Whitey posted a while back) which I never thought I would do either.

Anyhoo, I don't have sirius and you can't get a copy of the show from sirius and only one person I know has it and she says it can't be recorded, but I don't know how computer savvy she is which is why I'm asking you guys if you know if sirius can be recorded. That's the story.
Dumb question, but I have to ask - were you drinking sugared pop or sugar-free?

If it was the "unleaded" stuff, that may be the inspiration I need to give up the Diet Pepsi Twist. I can live with the caffiene-withdrawal headaches for a few days, I guess.
I was drinking regular Pepsi. I have also exercised and changed my eating habits but the first two weeks, I lost 13 pounds and I believe that is entirely from stopping drinking soda.
A friend of mine lost 40 pounds in 6 months by giving up soda. In March I set a goal to lose 20 pounds by June 1st, not only did I not lose any weight, I gained 7 pounds. I'm starting to play basketball again so I will either get in shape or die of a heart attack on the court.
I can... When????? I have an FM out and can put it in the Line in jack in my pc...I have a creative program that records mp3.... I put my old cassette tapes on my mp3 player that way....

Make sense?
The show is on Sirius 102 and for your time zone, I will be on between 12 and 1 p.m. this Sunday afternoon, June 4. I don't know the exact time, though. Someone from the show will call me and then put me on hold until its my turn to talk.
Congrats chick. I kind of did the smae thing but without the Simmons pep talk. I quit drinking soda, cut down drastically on beer and I gained 6 pounds...... of much needed muscle mass. I hit the gym on an average of four days a week now and lost two inches in on my waste. I'm still a fat fuck but at least I lost the man tits.
eighteeschick said:
The show is on Sirius 102 and for your time zone, I will be on between 12 and 1 p.m. this Sunday afternoon, June 4. I don't know the exact time, though. Someone from the show will call me and then put me on hold until its my turn to talk.

Yes i will....m......
Good luck with the weight issue. I dropped about 60 pounds a few years ago but, I've put about 15 back on. I find it easier to live at a comfortable weight than an unrealistic one. I look back at pictures from 150 pounds and see exactly why people were telling me to "eat a sandwich" I look like a stick.
I have cut back on the psycho diet I put myself on but, I still work out 6 days a week. The easiest way I found was to workout no matter how hard it is to drag myself to the gym. Once i get going I'm good . Also keep the real shit junk food out of the house. If it's there I'll eat it. You're more prone to grab the Pringles can than the Apple when you're looking for a quick snack. Congrats on your sucsess .
That's friggen great 80's. 5o pounds is great. Think of what 50 pounds of potatos look like.

Have you considered doing a 5k yet? The day I did my first 5k was the day I was officially not a fat guy in my head anymore.
prime666 said:
Congrats chick. I kind of did the smae thing but without the Simmons pep talk. I quit drinking soda, cut down drastically on beer and I gained 6 pounds...... of much needed muscle mass. I hit the gym on an average of four days a week now and lost two inches in on my waste. I'm still a fat fuck but at least I lost the man tits.

Drinking soda is so bad for you. I wish I would have realized it before. Between soda and cigarettes, I can't imagine how many thousands of dollars I threw away on that addictive shit. Congrats on losing the inches and the man boobs!
karrokid said:
Good luck with the weight issue. I dropped about 60 pounds a few years ago but, I've put about 15 back on. I find it easier to live at a comfortable weight than an unrealistic one. I look back at pictures from 150 pounds and see exactly why people were telling me to "eat a sandwich" I look like a stick.
I have cut back on the psycho diet I put myself on but, I still work out 6 days a week. The easiest way I found was to workout no matter how hard it is to drag myself to the gym. Once i get going I'm good . Also keep the real shit junk food out of the house. If it's there I'll eat it. You're more prone to grab the Pringles can than the Apple when you're looking for a quick snack. Congrats on your sucsess .

Thats awesome! 60 pounds is no small feat. I am very realistic with what I want my ultimate goal to be, which is why I still have between 40 and 45 pounds to go. It helps that I'm tall and well proportioned, too. Thanks for the tips, too. There are only a few days when I haven't felt like working out and on those days, I just get up and do it. I don't give myself an option not to work out, unless I'm really sick or something. You give yourself an excuse one day, it makes it easier to give yourself an excuse the next day and then you spiral out of control. Well, if you are me, that happens anyway.
whitey131 said:
That's friggen great 80's. 5o pounds is great. Think of what 50 pounds of potatos look like.

Have you considered doing a 5k yet? The day I did my first 5k was the day I was officially not a fat guy in my head anymore.

I can't believe how much I have lost myself and you're right, when you look at it in terms of other objects, it really does help you visualize how much weight you have lost.

I have thought about it but if I do, I know it wouldn't be until next year. I'm really thinking that if I do it, I'll do it for a fundraising event for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society since I already do fundraising for them. Might as well kill two birds with one stone. I am still only running/walking a mile and a quarter three times a week, although I have upped the amount of running I do as opposed to walking. I'm a little worried that with how humid it gets around here in the summer I won't be able to go jogging for much longer. I don't mind sweating but I do mind not being able to breathe. But I hope I can keep up with it as long as the weather allows.