Six Feet Under

My friend Theresa told me that SFU are playin in Manchester,NH next month.However,theres no Manchester,NH date on the SFU website.Can someone tell me where else I can find their tour dates?
Ankal said:
You have all their albums? why did you buy them if you think they suck? Its nice to brag with shitty albums, eh?
I bought em out of curiosity. I'm an obsessive collecter, every time i buy one album for a band, i have to have them all. So after getting a recommendation, i bought the lot.

And they sucked. :P
Tanith said:
I bought em out of curiosity. I'm an obsessive collecter, every time i buy one album for a band, i have to have them all. So after getting a recommendation, i bought the lot.

And they sucked. :P

I too do that. I'm a major completist. Which can get annoying sometimes, but I can't help it.
Wolfenmond said:
Those lyrics belong to an anal cunt song, somehow, chris barnes and seth putnam (anal cunts vocalist) hat a serious argument some time ago, which ended with a fight between those guys.

Anyways, i also don't know why he quoted these of all lyrics...
Anal Cunt, eh? I think they are actually from my city. I've heard them and I wasn't all that impressed with their music.
I used to be a HUGE Chris Barnes fan. But then again, I was 14 and everyone does stupid shit when they are 14. I saw them not too long ago with Amon Amarth. SFU headlined, but in my opinion, they were the shitiest band there. And Chris is a dick. He tried to kick some one off the tour because they made an obscene gesture behind Chris's girlfriend. She wasn't pissed but I guesse Chris was. How fucking uptight! He doesn't intermingle with the fans at all, and he makes them wait forever outside his bus. The song was right, he does hide there. The rest of the band are cool guys, but he's a dick and I wouldn't see SFU on purpose. EVER.