Six Feet Under


Oblique and Nebulous
Nov 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
Has anyone else been so emotionally touched by this show? I'm going crazy with thinking and thinking about how incredibly magnificent this show was. It easily beats any other TV show or movie I have EVER seen. Season finale=like a dream.
when i saw the thread, i was hoping it was about the show. :) i love the show. one hardly gets to see such original writing in that type of drama. i'm yet to see the last season, so don't give it away :)
Neon Black said:
when i saw the thread, i was hoping it was about the show. :) i love the show. one hardly gets to see such original writing in that type of drama. i'm yet to see the last season, so don't give it away :)

Oh, I would never give it away. Just expect to be filled with powerful emotion. You should get on seeing it as soon as possible though.
Anyone seen that family guy episode where Brian has worms and it shows the worms, and one goes "You know, even though ive been in this dogs stomach my entire life, I still think six feet under is pretentious!"

derek said:
IMO, it took a dip after the 2nd season

My opinion as well. I followed it steadily through the 1st and 2nd seasons, but by the time the third rolled around it didn't have the same impact. It is surely pretentious, and while at first this quality was endearing and, I believe, not intended to be pretentious for the sake thereof, this quickly faded and it became stuck in it's own devices.
is this post about six feet under the show or the band? either way they both suck zombie dick. maybe Chris can make an appearance on the show as a charles manson gay pot smoking hippie.
Conquer All said:
i saw the show title on the tv guide and thought it was a SFU concert at first. it took me a while to answer my question "why the hell are they putting a death metal concert on tv?"

Obviously, they wouldn't stick Six Feet Under (band) on TV since they are indeed gay. With the large influx of gay already on TV (See: Will and Grace, some otehr fat dyke, some other skinny dyke), if they were to stick Six Feet Under (band) on TV there would be so much gay that male TV viewers would start jerkingoff in eachothers mouths and listen to rhapsody.

Fuck you for being you, cause you are an ass kissing, ball licking, bag several douche.

Oh and the show six Feet Under, good show...
Amazing show. The third, fouth, and first half of the fifth season were a drop in quality but it ended as perfectly as any series ever could.