Six Flags anyone?

Feb 11, 2002
i think since it's getting nice outside that we Progpower folks in the 'area' should meet up at Six Flags and have a Progpower Day
They are open on the weekends till the end of May. So it shouldnt be that crowded....
i think since it's getting nice outside that we Progpower folks in the 'area' should meet up at Six Flags and have a Progpower Day
They are open on the weekends till the end of May. So it shouldnt be that crowded....

I'm all over any excuse to go to Six Flags, but I won't be able to make it until June as the hubby and I have plans for pretty much every weekend in May. :/

However, we noticed a couple of years ago that weekdays during the summer aren't too bad.
Yeah, I used to live right by there (same exit, instead of taking a left to go to SF, you took a right to go to my apartment). I got a season pass, and every time it rained in the morning and was supposed to clear up later, I'd head down. The place would be *empty*. It kicked ass.

I am definitely all about avoiding crowds. I tend to get feisty when people cut in line. I'm not well known for keeping my opinions to myself. :P

If anyone does schedule a little trip, do let me know, and I will make it if I can.

I am definitely all about avoiding crowds. I tend to get feisty when people cut in line. I'm not well known for keeping my opinions to myself. :P
you and me both, sistah!
i am SO there for a 6Flags trip...and hell, if we go during the week, even better....for as Shaye stated....opinions will be spoken and loudly

so, when do we want to do this?
The Rev
Wow, did anyone hear about this? So sad, yet so stupid. Apparently the kid tried to grab someone's feet as the ride came around.
My sister and 8-year-old nephew were at the park today, and I first heard the news as "child decapitated at Six Flags".... I was fretting for a while.

Luckily he'd never be so stupid as to climb over two 6' fences and ignore clearly posted danger signs. Whew!