Skeletal Remains

Thanks for checking it out dude, I'm actually the one who recorded them.
Been getting some good compliments about the production, which is good to hear.

Oh shit really?

It genuinely sounds like the records they were obviously inspired by. Which is what I'm guessing you were tasked with doing, in which case, congratulations.
Any and all info would be awesome.

Dem solos.
Yeah I haven't been on the forum in a while lol

But yeah dude Chris(lead guitarist) a really talented musician, he also plays with the band 'Fueled By Fire'.

We definitely wanted to keep that old school death metal sound, here's some info I remember.
Guitars: B-52 Head, Tube screamer, Marshal cab.
Bass: Some Ampeg amp (dual mic with D6, Sm57)
Lead: Amplitube metal ;p

Drums I have to look back but I know I made that snare sample (mixed a couple)
and rest was mixed with some samples.

Kept everything simple, this was done with a low budget and not the fanciest equipment lol
Skeletal Remains Is:
Chris Monroy - Guitar/Vocals
Adrian Obregon - Guitar
Adrian Marquez - Bass
Christian Reyes - Drums




lol i'll check their songs when I get home