Skeletonwitch – At One With The Shadows


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Skeletonwitch – At One With The Shadows
Shredded Records – 2004
By Russell Garwood


Skeletonwitch are a very interesting proposition. Not only do they have a kickass name, the five-piece pull off a tricky mix of diverse styles. Early thrash riffs seem entirely fitting among the otherwise NWOBHM metal twin leads and melodic death metal rhythm work of the guitars. Acoustics draw further melodeath comparisons, as well as fragmenting the harsh metallic onslaught. Add to this black metal orientated screeches, and you have an unusual amalgamation. Barks and guttural growls are also welcome additions to a varied performance. Guitar solos are suitably well performed and placed, showing further old-school leanings. The drums tend to be straightforward, drawing more early thrash comparisons, with mid paced blasts, occasional fills and even less frequent double kick rolls. The bass is not so far forward in the mix, yet is generally well performed.

A fitting cover depicts death with numerous decapitated heads in-hand, adding to the early-eighties traits. All we need now is a dragon and a loincloth… The production can seem slightly thin and lacking power at times, yet this could be deliberate considering the music. At One With The Shadows is a solid effort, and shows much potential. While some of the songs can feel samey, and the recording could be improved, with time and experience Skeletonwitch could show great things. As it is, this release is still well worth checking out for fans of melodic and retro metal (with distinctly contemporary touches, of course).


Official Skeletonwitch website
They were one of the highlights of the pathetic Milwaukee Metalfest 2004. They seem faster and more black metal oriented when they play live...the singer must be in agony with those throat-ripping screeches. :yell:

This is a real cool band that should be signed to a bigger label!