Skeletonwitch - Beyond the Permafrost


Jun 17, 2004
Skeletonwitch - Beyond the Permafrost
Prosthetic Records - 10048-2 - October 2, 2007
By George Grant


I was skeptical of the description of Skeletonwitch’s newest release Beyond the Permafrost. There were many claims of the band’s “bay area” sound, and how they are bringing back the spirit of the 80s. However, the band has recently been signed to Prosthetic Records, a label well known for its metalcore leanings. It seems that my apprehension towards Skeletonwitch was correct.

While there certainly are traces of the thrash subgenre in the music, especially the rhythm guitars of the opening ‘Upon Wings of Black,' the majority of Skeletonwitch’s influences seem to come from the Gothenburg scene. The melodic lines and rhythmic pacing of ‘Baptized In Flames’ could have been lifted from any second rate At the Gates cover band, and Skeletonwitch continues this style throughout the album. Many times it reminded me of the earlier works of Finland’s Kalmah. To mix it up, Skeletonwitch does slow down the tempo a bit on ‘Cast into the Open Sea’ and the effect really does show a heavy Iron Maiden influence. However, the majority of the playing follows strongly with the tremolo melodic lines.

The guitar playing, despite not being the most original, is very tight. The leads are well applied and fit the sections perfectly. They are certainly a strong point on the album. It’s too bad the same can’t be said about the vocals, and I believe this mostly has to do with where they sit in the mix. On Beyond the Permafrost both high and low grim vocals are performed, with a preference towards the high. However, the vocals are mixed a bit below the music and they don’t have as much of an impact as I would have liked. Over the course of the album they get a bit monotonous.

Beyond the Permafrost is certainly for fans of the Gothenburg style of melodic death metal. Also, fans of the newly rising retro-thrash craze might want to look at what Skeletonwitch has to offer. Yet, they seem to follow more with the spiritless bands like Bonded by Blood and Merciless Death than the other noteworthy groups.

Official Skeletonwitch Website
Official Prosthetic Records Website
Wow, I have to say I completely disagree with this review. Let me list out why:

(1)This album is really not in the genre of melodic death metal.
(2)Your review features a very loose description of what other bands they sound like which is really not descriptive at all. On top of this the At the Gates cover band crap is just a plain bad assessment.
(3)The vocals are definitely not low in the mix in this album.
(4)The seveth track is called "Fast Into the Open Sea," not "East Into the Open Sea"
(5)In general this is a great album of modern thrash, keeping the attitude of the great old bands but with enough progressive brilliance to keep things fresh.

See here for what I consider a much more accurate review:
I would say that the songs should be a tad longer, and the singer sounds very similar to Kalmahs singer, but I got the album and Im not dissapointed. I think people should give them a listen, the band has the right idea and its not no numetal crap its actually decent stuff.
This album is pure unadulterated metal brilliance from start to of my favorites of the year! What's great about these guys is how effortlessly they combine thrash, black metal, classical power metal and even melo-death into one massive combo. I can't say enough good things about these guys...:worship: