Skin 'O My Teeth


Jun 17, 2004
Before I start, if this has already been discussed, i am sorry, and you can just direct me to the post of it.
SO anyway, if i recall correctly in the cover of Megadeth's song "SKin 'O MY teeth" to lryics are changed a little bit in the song. The changed part is "THat's what 912 is for" instead of "That's what 911 is for". If that is correct, then my question for the actual band is did they steal the 912 part from an episode of the Simpsons? The episode is when Homer joins the stonecutters and they give homer the real number for an emergency.
Just curious.
This was discussed before, but I'm not sure if the thread exists anymore.

I'm not positive, but I think in Finland the emergency number is 112. So they changed it to that. They aren't saying 912.

And that episode of The Simpsons ruled.