Skolnick, Calavera, Matt Harvey, and Vinny Appice??


May 19, 2003
San Francisco
So I was trolling throught blabbermouth and found a banner at the top of the page that had an advertisment for a band with Alex Skolnick, Igor Calavera, Matt Harvey, and Vinny Appice. With a line up like that, I felt obligated to check it out. What I found was one of the strangest amalgamations of music i have heard in a while. It was basically a guy rapping about Metal, as well as Chuck Schuldiner and Carcass among others. The song has some heavy distorted guitar playing palm muted triplets, and once you will hear a gutteral scream from Harvey, or skolnick will bust out a solo (you can definatly tell its him). Aside from Skolnicks solos the music is TERRIBLE, but if you want a laugh or are interested in hearing just how bad the two genres can sound togeather, check it out. The two songs are on the top of the following page: