Skull Fist (Can) live


Apr 29, 2004
Saw Skull Fist (Canada) live last Friday and they pretty much kicked some serious ass!!! Great oldschool metal with alot of attitude. Never heard of them before, but as it was a gig in my town i thought to go and have a look. Very glad I did, this is a cool band! I mostly love the high pitch vocals, also live very cool. They had a good set with own songs and some covers (Angel Witch, Tokio Blade, Riot). The band reminds me a bit of the early glam metal scene, you know; the heavier stuff of Motley Crue and alikes... All mixed with some traditional heavy metal.
I also was VERY suprised by a part of the public. I saw VERY young kids (not over 14 or so !!!) wearing patch jackets. Even saw that girl (she looked even younger to me, probably becouse I'm that old, haha) with a Forbidden shirt! Now I hang around with guys from around 20 at concerts, but these were really headbangin' kids'. Love it !!!!!!

you can check out SkullFist at;


I bought the "Heavier than metal" EP and it´s quite enjoyable. Sounds fresh and hungry. In my opinion, in future releases they can improve the songwriting but "Heavier than metal" is a good and fun first effort.

I´d like to see them live. Next week country mates Stricker play in Madrid. It could have been great a double canadian package. Maybe next time...
They are playing here (Athens) in less than two months, at Up the Hammers Festival.

I agree with Marco, their debut EP is very good and I am eager to see them live (amongst the other who will appear on the fest).