SKY OF FIRE (Scarabaeus)

........PLEASE someone critque my recording. You know how it is; you spend so much time on a mix etc. you can't tell the "wood from the trees"..

Hoping to hear from you :worship:
Posting again on my own thread coz nobody has commented...but 44views....I don't get it?
Even if its total shit can't you tell me? :puke:
Everything about that clean intro section cannot be faulted it sounds amazing, perfect delay! Distorted guitars a bit fuzzy for my tastes. Maybe make them stand out a bit more. Are those real drums? Dosent sound like EZ too my ears :) + that automation fucking rules :p
Thanks for taking the time guys :)

Regarding the recording: the guitars were my first attempt. One 57 pointed at my Laney 4 x10 (yes 10) cab and Laney solid state head from 1991!....I agree it sounds pretty poor but I must not blame the tools - -i have a lot to learn... the guitars were not even quad tracked...:erk:

The drums are firstly a real drummer (a previous band member situated in the UK). He sent me a stereo track only of his playing which is on a cheap Yamaha DT xpress electronic kit and a couple of live OHs. I had to work really hard to make it sound acceptable sounding. So i am grateful to you for complementing me on the drums.:kickass:

\m/ cheers
Hmm.. the whole mix sounds kinda muffled.. The playing needs to be tighter IMO.. I like it to be spot on in everything.. the effect at halfway in the song is kinda cool, but too extreme.. That's I can think of at this state :kickass:.. keep on rocking and don't worry.. you'll learn pretty fast reading this forum :headbang: (don't get me wrong, I'm noob at these things also:) )
All I can say is that most of the stuff I hear posted on the forum I only listen to about the first 30-45 seconds because so much of it sounds the same and is for the most part unoriginal. However, your tune I listened to all the way through because I was engaged with the song. Now I can't comment on the mix because I'm listening on a laptop but I can say that although the singer isn't my favorite, at least I heard some passion in his attempt. Very different style. Keep it up. Can't wait for the next one. I think I'll listen to it again now.
WOW! thanks for the compliment :headbang:
Indeed i am recording again at the moment with a different project called KillerCrusherFiend and its a nice progression in my learning least i think so. I will post it soon.