Slate Drums 3.5 Test (Glitchy Metalcore)


Apr 25, 2011
Hey guys so I got slate drums 3.5 and I wanted to test it out. I wrote this short song just for some fun and put it lots of little glitchy fx. Let me know how it sounds?

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nice drum sound. How did you get the glitch effects? Any pointers would be appreciated,
Thanks dude! All the glitch fx are done by hand. cutting up to audio into the patterns I wanted. And for the first glitch I also automated a low pass filter. You just have to experiment. Joey Sturgis actually has a video on his Youtube explain the same way I did these glitch's buy for vocals

Have fun with it!
I'm just wondering, how and why did you get SSD 3.5 ? 4 has been out for like a year now.
It was a download I found to see if it was worth buying 4. I'm sold! getting 4 on Wednesday.
I also just admitted to buying his stuff. I understand pirating is wrong, but I never used this for personal gain or profit, and I'm getting his product tomorrow because of it. If he had a 3 day demo or something I wouldn't need to do this. I'm not putting money (which I have very little for this type of thing) into something I don't know I'm going to benefit from I don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.
yeah I don't see really anything wrong with that. I mean you're buying the damn product!