Slate VTM

^+1, hahahaha.

It's all good though! Better late than never.

Basically Brian; it's a fucking NO BRAINER. Buy it, and pop it on your 2BUSS (in bypass) set it to 30 ips, FG9 tape and the 1/2" Machine (Normal Bias); then turn that baby on.

You will be FLOORED.
I got an email too, it was for a 50% off for users of VCC. Maybe that's what he meant to bring up. I'm really thinking hard, but I just spent $300 on the PT10 upgrade. This is worth the $100 then?
I've been using it for a couple of months now, and so far I've been loving it. Much like VCC, if you mix with it on every channel from the start of a mix, things just seem to fall together quicker. It is a bit more obvious than VCC though, and I do think that there can be too much of it. A little goes a long way!

The FG9 tape is very nice for modern stuff, but I love the FG456 to bits for ambient things or synths in general. Very colourful and vibey.

When I started using it, I turned the standard hiss-setting down quite a bit, because I thought it was a bit too much of the good stuff when stacking it on multiple tracks. I've also turned the flutter up pretty high, but that's personal taste. I love warbly high frequencies! Reminds me of recording shit on a casette-deck as a kid.
I use Kramer MPX and I'm quite happy with it but for $100 I'm super tempted. However 2 questions:
- How VTM sounds compared to MPX? Really better or just different?
- Is VTM a cpu eater?
I use Kramer MPX and I'm quite happy with it but for $100 I'm super tempted. However 2 questions:
- How VTM sounds compared to MPX? Really better or just different?
- Is VTM a cpu eater?

Curious about the first two as well. I use MPX on my 2bus, vocal, drum, and guitar busses because it's a CPU hog but sounds good. If VTM sounds better and isn't as much of a hog then Slate just took another hundy from me.
Curious about the first two as well. I use MPX on my 2bus, vocal, drum, and guitar busses because it's a CPU hog but sounds good. If VTM sounds better and isn't as much of a hog then Slate just took another hundy from me.

I love vtm.

I pop it (and vcc) on every single track and it is definitely not a CPU hog. I don't even notice it affecting my CPU/ASIO. i5-2500k

Never used MPX so I can't compare.
Well have you guys tried TB reelbus. Cheap and crazy good. Much much better hten the waves one for sure. I've been using it for the past months.

I'm still using TB Reelbus, despite having VTM! It absolutely has something going for itself. That's the thing I like about good tape emulators; they all have a distinct flavour of their own!

Did you try the latest update? He added 2 new types of tape, and I may like them even more than what was already in there. One sounds extremely vintage. Like that warm 70s blanket with rolled off highs. Not for modern stuff, but a very handy tool to have in the box.
The other new tape is called Glue Tape, and it does exactly that. Smoothness, tamed highs, thick low mids, and slight compression. I think this is his most interesting emulation so far. Not as transparent as the Professional tape, but still very nice on the masterbus. I'm currently using it alongside an instance of VTM on the masterbus of a documentary soundtrack. Those 2 stack pretty well!
I use Kramer MPX and I'm quite happy with it but for $100 I'm super tempted. However 2 questions:
- How VTM sounds compared to MPX? Really better or just different?
- Is VTM a cpu eater?

Vtm is a totally different beast.

I like kramer mpx on bass, guitar and really any individual tracks that benifit from heavy spongy saturation. I like abusing this plugin from time to time, it actually sounds pretty cool when pushed hard on individual tracks and is good at bringing errant shit into focus in a non ridiculous way. I like using it a soft compression tool as well. I did find that when I was using it on the 2 buss it was blurring my snare and guitar frequencies together a bit and generally giving my mixes a high mid shrillness that my ears got used to and always felt like a bad decision the next day. Kramer is a cpu hog on my machine.

Im far from pro but vtm is better in regards to the 2buss from what I can determine. Its easier to not screw up shit, sonically it eats high end a bit and you may find yourself doing more shelves and light boosting up top. Both the tape settings can work really well there. Its fine on individual instruments but its not going to change your perception of the entire tracks frequency balance one way or another. I love it on overheads and vocals. I do not think it sounds great when pushed, It just gets kind of crunchy and weird. It could be a usefull effect for something but I havent found it yet. I think of Vtm as being a bit more capable at being subtle and actually sounding like a tape machine people used to use to record rock music. While I haven't been to a studio running a tape machine in years, I have actually recorded in one so take it for what its worth. I think they nailed the tape sound and while the mpx might be accurate to the machine it emulates it doesnt do the thick cohesive thing vtm does. Vtm is just a touch less cpu hungry than mpx.
^+1, hahahaha.

It's all good though! Better late than never.

Basically Brian; it's a fucking NO BRAINER. Buy it, and pop it on your 2BUSS (in bypass) set it to 30 ips, FG9 tape and the 1/2" Machine (Normal Bias); then turn that baby on.

You will be FLOORED.

Charles is 100% spot on, this is exactly how I set mine up and when I enable it.. my mixes sound punchier and deeper!
I still have that coupon for VTM I got by slate sometime after purchasing VCC, that is supposed to not expire ever...I wonder if I can use it on this sale too, but when clicking recalculate it doesn't recalulate the price, also on the normal VTM version, on which it should work definitly.
Anyone tried it so far?