slaughter me -- My band, demo material -- Since the Fire


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA Mixes/Not Important ROUGH FULL MIX 1.mp3

Seriously. Kill me with criticism here.

This is only the third time I've done natural drums. This is a pretty rough mix so far.

I can never get the muddy/cloudy - ness to go away when I do natural drums.

I just feel sooooo stuck in a rut and I honestly hate posting my work up here because I feel it lacks so much.

I feel like I can't get everything jumping out at your face without stepping all the fuck over each other.
That's the sound of natural drums. You can't really get them sound like samples really. The mix is great.
The cymbals pumping like crazy on double kick action, fix that. I've found most of the cloudiness/boxiness is because of the terrible room, try scooping a lot in the midrange for both the room mics and overhead.
The snare can be a lot better, I was going to refer to this great thread but unfortunately dcb has killed all the links and pictures for some reason but you can figure out what to use if you read the text.
The guitars are a little honky.
Vocals aren't as aggressive as I'd wanted, try quicker attack quicker release. I've had good results with Vocals - > 1176-style compressor (Quick settings with lots of gain reduction or all buttons in) -> La2a-style compressor(medium attack and release, 2-6 db GR ).