SLAUGHTER ... not the poser one


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
I am sure some of you old school fuckers heard of Slaughter from Canada. They had one particular good release, Strappado, in the late 80's ... I used to love that fucking record.

Anyway, check out a website they just opened. There are some cool MP3's there ... I think some of you doomy/stoner riff lovers will like their style.

Also I had no idea but Chuck from Death was part of the band briefly ... there are some pics of them together on the site as well.
Ok i'm a bit late on this (what else is new) but yea they were/are groovy :D It's probably just me but sometimes they reminded me of D.R.I.

Speaking of the old school also, how many of you know of the Chicago band Wrath?
They reminded you of DRI? This is the the first time I heard that comparison ...
Slaughter does have a little punkish feel to it, mostly in the vocal delivery ... but I just love their massive simple riffs
lurch70 said:
They reminded you of DRI? This is the the first time I heard that comparison ...
Slaughter does have a little punkish feel to it, mostly in the vocal delivery ... but I just love their massive simple riffs
lol , i said *sometimes* take a listen to Thrash Zone if you haven't heard in in a while. Yea the buzzsaw guitar sound is a beautiful thing. COC nailed that tone on Vote with a Bullet which was the best song from Blind.
hehe ... to me when I think of DRI is the early releases ... not the Crossover years ... I haven't heard those records ... well .. since those days
ah ha, that would explain why! you should do some catching up :D also if you haven't heard Wrath and want to you can add me to MSN. Their albums have been out of print for ages and are damn difficult to locate. But then again not many people were particularly fond of the singer which i can see why. It takes some getting used to.