"Slave To The Parasites" [live]

peter is good too of course, but no one will ever be like masse broberg :kickass: (hes the one growling on penetralia and osculum obscenum)
wether the videos on hypocrisy live&clips are maid with peter as singer (im sure about inferior devoties, but not about left to rot..)
Masse Broberg is a very incomplete growler imo.

I wish I could have Penetralia and Osculum Obscenum with Peter on vocals, but the Bloodbath ones, as low as possible, not like the re-recorded stuff at 10 Years of Chaos and Destruction.
Peter will always be the best, Masse is unique though on the first 2 albums, but I would like Peter to redo them all too with his BB growls as well.
masse will always have the most brutal and darkest voice ever imo, listen to god among insects, too.
thats why it fits that much to penetralia and oculum obscenum, they are made for masse i think. when he left the band, the style of hypocrisy changed a bit, becuase peter cant get this dark voice (i dont mean low), i think his voice doesnt fit to songs of penetralia and osculum obscenum very well. except of pleasure of molestation and necronomicon.

but that was long time agoe, maybe he is able to "masse" already, it would be interesting, how his voice would be on penetralia or osculum obscenum.

but listen to this one: [ame]http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=gXBTscrwe_s[/ame] and then to the one on osculum obscenum..do you really think, peters voice is better? :u-huh:
Better or less fitted for those albums? Don't get me wrong, I love Masse's voice on those two beautiful albums, but I still think Peter would outdo him by far with Bloodbath vocals.

Peter has better pronunciation and highs on this one which is far more important to me, but Masse goes a bit lower. How come this video has Peter on vocals? Didn't know about this at all.. I feel ashamed now haha.

Listen to Nightmares Made Flesh and tell me if Masse could sing like that even after 100 years of practicing and living only to growl?

And I really don't think Hypocrisy changed because of vocals, simply because it changes from album to album, but if you think about it, Masse is the one who couldn't sing any album after Osculum Obscenum more likely than Peter not being able to sing Straight Forward Death Metal.
yeah, masse has got the typical voice for staff like penetralia and osculum obscenum, for old school staff..
i think he could not sing the other albums, youre right, thats staff for peter, it fits to his voice. masse is an old school growler (btw his screams with dark funeral suck, i like his deathscreams more)

peters bloodbath vocals are of course brilliant and brutal, but i still think masse is better for penetralia and osculum obscenum



compare espiacally the screams.
all in all, i think masses voice has got the right dark touch for penetralia and osculum obscenum
^I'm so glad we actually didn't get into a fight about it haha, I was expecting someone to get pissed sooner or later xD

Yeah man, I see your point but still haven't changed mine hehe.
yeah, nice discussion :kickass:

so u see my point but dindt change mind?
u mean u understood what i mean with another type of voice, that its like a old school growl? and u still think peters voice would fit better?
so this is a point of taste i dont think we can discuss about taste :erk: