SLAYER Guitarist JEFF HANNEMAN Dead At 49 - May 2, 2013


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
SLAYER guitarist Jeff Hanneman passed away at about 11 a.m. today (Thursday, May 2) near his Southern California home. He was 49. Hanneman was in an area hospital when he suffered liver failure. He is survived by his wife Kathy, his sister Kathy and his brothers Michael and Larry, and will be sorely missed.

I heard from my Aardschok source, the chief editor, that it was his life long alcohol addiction that ruined his liver.

Not nice to hear, or write for that matter, but it is the truth I am afraid. :(
I don't think a doctor would prescribe a drug that would lead to liver failure. I guess we'll find out cause of death eventually...

my dad took some over he counter drugs on and off a few years to help with sleep while working 3rd shift and his liver is in pretty bad shape now at 57. jeff was heavy drinker and has been on meds for 2 years with a flesh eating bacteria. who knows what about 2 years of meds mixed with the years of drinking did
Just fucking terrible news, granted I had grown out of Slayer over the past decade, but if it werent for that mans music, who knows ... His music got through alot of tough times growing up ... Slayer without Jeff is just a glorified cover band
I don't think we should jump to conclusions that Jeff was a heavy drinker. A number of sources say otherwise. More likely, heavy meds wrecked his liver. The doctors aren't going to own up to it. Would you?
Such awful news !! RIP my Brother. I can relate to his demise. I struggled with alcohol for years. Had I been living the life (touring etc.) he did, I might be in the same shape.

Slayer will not be the same.

Band members and Jeff's wife are opening up on his cause of death:

SLAYER's KING: 'I Don't Think We Should Throw In The Towel Just Because JEFF's Not Here' - June 23, 2013

The surviving members of California thrash titans SLAYER have opened up to Guitar World magazine about the passing of the band's founding guitarist Jeff Hanneman, who died on May 2 from alcohol-related cirrhosis of the liver, a result of a lifetime of drinking.

"Jeff was always a drinker," former SLAYER drummer Dave Lombardo tells the publication for its August 2013 issue. "He always had a Coors Light tall can in his hand. Always."

"Jeff and I always drank," SLAYER guitarist Kerry King adds. "They called Steven Tyler and Joe Perry the Toxic Twins. We were the Drunk Brothers." He laughs. "The difference being that I don't wake up in the morning and need a beer. Jeff didn't know how not to drink."

"I would express my concern [about his alcohol intake], and he would back off for a few months — but then he would go right back to drinking," says Kathryn Hanneman, Jeff's wife of 24 years. "A few years before his dad died in 2008, I did notice that Jeff was relying on alcohol to start off his day. But I couldn't say much at that point, because I just knew we'd wind up in a verbal confrontation about it. And I'm not going to say I didn't drink with him — I did drink with him, sometimes quite heavily. I figured if l couldn't beat him, join him. But eventually I realized that I couldn't go on like that, and that if l stopped, I might be able to help him get away from it too. But I couldn't. He just relied on it too much to get him through the day."