SLAYER guys form christian band


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Slayer frontman Tom Araya and drummer Dave Lombardo have started a yet-unnamed Christian metal side project with ex-LIVING SACRIFICE (and more recently POD) guitarist, Jason Truby. The three have been jamming together since the end of the recent SLAYER tour with UNEARTH and they are presently looking for a second guitarist. Araya, who is Catholic, has commented several times in recent interviews that he and Lombardo don't necessarily subscribe to the lyrical contact of SLAYERS songs.

"We've been playing this kind of music with dark and anti-religious topics for a long time now and I feel like I need something new, something more positive in my life." Explained Araya. Chuckling, he continued, "I feel like I have to do some penance as a good Catholic, you know?" SLAYER fans need not worry though - when asked if he is disbanding SLAYER, Tom reassured his fanbase: "This new project will not interfere with SLAYER any more than my going to church has. It's just a small side thing at the moment."

When asked to comment on the side project, Kerry King had only this to say: "Whatever Tom and Dave need to do to exorcise their demons and keep the Slayer machine moving is OK with me. I wish them the best on their project."

Dunno if this is true or not, found it in another forum. In anycase I already designed their discography:

"Show More Mercy"
"Blessing The Chapel"
"Heaven Awaits"
"Reign In Holy Water"
"North of Hell"
"Seasons In The Paradise"
"Decade of Salvation"
"Divine Intervention"

"Angelus In Musica"
"God Loves Us All"
"Satan Illusion"
I would hope this is a joke. It is common knowledge that Araya has always tried to distance himself from his lyrical subject, ok fine but exactly what credibility would he have as an xtian artist? I also wonder what the other people in the church he attends think about his dayjob, hahaha.

If its true it sounds like he's lost his marbles.

Nice album titles btw wyv;)
That's bullshit. Turning into a christian pussy was Dave Mustain's big mistake as well. I hate seeing great bands turn into bullshit.
I cannot for the life of me see how one can be a Catholic and spend decades working in a band with Slayers lyrical focus, especially if the said one was the mouth of the lyrics.

Exactly how many Catholics are writting books or movies like Slayers content, I bet the figure is probably close to zero!

I dont care what people want to believe(for faith) but it seems kinda mad to think that one can just turn around, make a Jesus band and everything will be ok and Slayer can continue on. Thats insane but thats religion for you.
I find it hard to believe, personally. I have heard all kinds of crazy rumours in the past though like... Kerry King was a member of the 700 Club. Having said that though, who says you can't be a spiritual person and still like te dark arts ? I know that Andy Kuntz of Vanden Plas is a Christian man, and though he certainly doesn't try to force it on others, I am sure it is tough on him at times.

I find it hard to believe, personally. I have heard all kinds of crazy rumours in the past though like... Kerry King was a member of the 700 Club. Having said that though, who says you can't be a spiritual person and still like te dark arts ? I know that Andy Kuntz of Vanden Plas is a Christian man, and though he certainly doesn't try to force it on others, I am sure it is tough on him at times.


If you want to put yourself in a difficult place, be a metalhead with religion. You catch hell from both sides, so to speak. That said, I've met more metalheads that were accepting of my religion than Christians that were accepting of my music choices. That doesn't say much for the current state of Christianity.
Dunno if this is true or not, found it in another forum. In anycase I already designed their discography:

"Show More Mercy"
"Blessing The Chapel"
"Heaven Awaits"
"Reign In Holy Water"
"North of Hell"
"Seasons In The Paradise"
"Decade of Salvation"
"Divine Intervention"

"Angelus In Musica"
"God Loves Us All"
"Satan Illusion"

I cannot for the life of me see how one can be a Catholic and spend decades working in a band with Slayers lyrical focus, especially if the said one was the mouth of the lyrics.

Exactly how many Catholics are writting books or movies like Slayers content, I bet the figure is probably close to zero!

I dont care what people want to believe(for faith) but it seems kinda mad to think that one can just turn around, make a Jesus band and everything will be ok and Slayer can continue on. Thats insane but thats religion for you.

Because their lyrical theme is a "act". It's no different then let's say a jewish (Roman Polanski) director making Satanic Horror movies (Rosemary's Baby, The Ninth Gate etc.) and going home to his jewish or christian wife and kids. They leave work at work and home is for home life.
Exactly how many Catholics are witting books or movies like Slayers content, I bet the figure is probably close to zero!

I'm a "Catholic", although I don't practice or necessarily susbcribe to much of anything it says, so your number is a lot further from zero than you'd think.

That said, so what if they want to do a Xian metal thing? Most people who take the Slayer stuff very seriously often have issues themselves. Tom has admitted that even his own fan base scares him at times with how at times they'd expect things like a full blown sacrifice on stage. The whole satanic thing is a gimmick, much like Venom was back in the day.

Think about it, you get way more media attention and general interest if you release a title like "God Hates us All" as opposed to something that doesn't offend people. Then, you get even more media attention if a bunch of "Satan worshipers" suddenly go Christian.

Dave Mustaine is a born again, but it certainly hasn't impacted his music in the least. If it keeps the band in the right direction, and they continue to write good music, then why be bothered about it?

If you don't like the music, don't listen.
king is a badass. i like him the most. :D

not to excited about this, although ill probably get whatver they put out first just cos its them. im no longer religious, (since the point i had the maturity and age to decide for myself), so a christian band doesnt really entice me. not that a satanic type band does either, because i dont believe in any religions...neither side.

kinda why i like slayer, yea they have stuff like "god hates us all", but i like them most for the side that comes out in the song "cult". probably my favorite slayer song.
I don't see the big deal, It wont affect Slayer Because you know King won't let it.
That said If you've ever seen My artwork You'd think I was almost a Satanist but I'm not into religion, and I do believe in god.
I used to be a Jejova's Whitness...not very fun at all, I do't like those people, they are as crazy as the ones who picket concerts.
But they don't picket anything.
Some of them are really cool though the ones who know the difference between reality and B.S.
But we'll see what happens with this project.
maybe it'll be something to jam to and not too christain sounding.
lol what a bunch of bullshit. I had no idea Araya was Catholic, and I had no idea the lyrics were all just an 'act.'

What a fucking phony.

That's fine then, maybe Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman can go find another band to melt faces with.
lol what a bunch of bullshit. I had no idea Araya was Catholic, and I had no idea the lyrics were all just an 'act.'

What a fucking phony.

That's fine then, maybe Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman can go find another band to melt faces with.
Thats silly. Hope i don't offend anyone but, people who actually believe in satanism need psychiatric examinations. Maybe the logic just fails me. Its one thing to think counter religion is cool because of what religion has become, its completely different to be serious about it. Slayer is good how it is, a mature form of angst directed at christianity. Anyone can identify with that.