Slayer, Mastodon - Announce MySpace Secret Show in Salt Lake City for July 25

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Slayer, Mastodon - Announce MySpace Secret Show in Salt Lake City for July 25
posted on Jul 24 2006 07:32 pm

SLAYER and MASTODON will be playing the next MySpace secret show, July 25th at In the Venue in Salt Like City. Check out the poster here.

For more info, check out

SLAYER will release Christ Illusion, featuring the single "Cult" on August 8th and MASTODON's Blood Mountain will follow on September 12th.
I'll be there early in the morning. :D :D This show is so close to my house too... man... :D :D

And the best part... NO LAMB OF GOD!!!
It's not a secret anymore. Anyway, I like "lamb of god" but like Slayer and Mastodon better. The only band on the "Unholy Alliance Tour" i could do without out is Children Of Bodom. Talented, Yes. But too "keyboardish and European "power metal" for me???????
This show was fucking amazing... I got there at 8 in the morning and stepped inside a greyhound station for a while because it was hot as fuck, went outside at 9am and there were atleast 100 more.

4:00 comes and total it clocked upto 1600+ people in this small ass club.

Anyway, onto the show... all cameras were confiscated upon entry, and camera phones were told "not to be used or will be taken", and they did enforce this heavily (I'm sure thats a kerry king thing). Then I was standing front and center against the rail for a while as Thine Eyes Bleed came on. They weren't that good... and I sure as hell don't know their setlist. 30 minutes later they were done, I cheered their departure, as at this point it was starting to annoy me.

Next thing you know Alexi runs out on stage and Children of Bodom start up. It ended too damn soon, but after the set, he handed me down a setlist (ones makred with dashes after each letter are ones they didn't play due to time contraints, which he crossed off himself I guess... I sure as hell don't remember doing it.):

Silent Night
Living Dead
In Your Face
Hate Me

Next, a short wait then Mastodon came on. Before you ask, yes, I do like Mastodon. They came on, and during the first song, Iron Tusk, 2 people were rushed out with injuries right behind me... I knew the ultraviolence was starting. Their set was really solid, with the exception of the new shit which sounded slightly unpracticed (I snagged this setlist off the stage):

Iron Tusk
Circle of Cysquatch
Mother Puncher
Aqua Dimentia
Blood and Thunder

I am Ahab rocked my ass off :p

Then after a a suprisingly short wait, Slayer came on.

HOLY SHIT... I saw slayer before at a much much bigger venue, where there was a lot more people, it was hard to hear, the sound was shit, etc. But seeing Slayer front and center against the stage, OH MY GOD.

They played an hour and a half, and then took off quickly to get their ass to the bus to drink in time.

Setlist snagging was impossible, I tried to get one but they were taken away very quickly by slayer staff and actually torn into several peices on stage with 1 or 2 remaining which were given to friends of the crew. I blame Kerry King.

I remember most of their set though:

South of Heaven
Silent Scream
Live Undead
War Ensamble
Chemical Warfare
Eyes of the Insane (I THINK)
Reign in Blood intro riff
Dead Skin Mask
Show No Mercy (I think)
Can't Remember
Reign in Blood full
Mandatory Suicide
Angel of Death

Anyway I had fun...

Oh, and Alexi Laiho is not as big of an asshole as he seems to be deemed as. I talked to him while he was on stage, and talked to him after for a bit.

Mastodons Drummer (can't remember his name) was also an awesome person.

Kerry King was only good for rubbing his bald head, hehe.

Tom Arayas getting old, and Drinks a lot of coffee to stay awake till the bus leaves.

Heineken is the tour busses, on this tour, choice beer.

Overall, great fucking night! And it was all free!
Oh, heres the pic of my setlists:

How can they enforce taking your property? I think I'd end up stabbing a bouncer to death over trying to take my phone.
I bet Behemoth stole that whole show.

Yeah... they did, from whereever the fuck in the US they are that isn't utah. Man... I have gotta see behemoth a few more hundred times. They kick ass every time :p
Wait a sec... i'm so tired I didn't notice if that was a reference to the Song Behemoth (which was great) or the band Behemoth (Which can kick a cities ass 2 years before they arrive)?
IT was fucking BADASS, Bodom and slayer man for fucking free.. Lots of fights, lots of booze, and some fuckin crazy pits the entire show. Never thought theyd come to good ol slc =D