slayer - war ensemble (single tracks here!)


Aug 28, 2006
prob very old news but i found these on youtube and thought maybe some of you guys had maybe never cam across em before. (lovin the drum track :notworthy)

War Ensemble - Slayer - Vocal Track

War Ensemble - Slayer - Guitar Track

War Ensemble - Slayer - Bass Track

War Ensemble - Slayer - Drum Track
I always liked Slayer's drum sound on albums despite it not being the popular modern metal clicky sounding stuff.
This, dear sir, kicketh the rear-end. :kickass:
How the hell does he seperate the tracks?

With Turbo Track Separator 3000. :)

Ok, seriously now, he didn't separate them. He eather stole unmixed version of the song from Tom, or (and that's more likely :wink: ) extracted them from GuitarHero/RockBand/whatever game that has those separate tracks.

EDIT: A bit offtopic, but I think that everyone that had to be told that you can't "unmix" the song should quit music production. I'm not much of a producer my self, but no one had to tell me that - I got it my self when I was 10.
YEAHHH THANKS SO FUCKING MUCH, DUDE!!!! This is pure gold! "Seasons in the abbyss" is on of the best Metal records in the world IMO. It´s very interesting to listen to the single tracks.

The drum panning...WTF?? Haha but it works in the mix perfectly.

Tom Araya is a crappy bass player :lol: But it´s okay.
Lombardo is a machine. No studio magic possible there. That's how it's done, drummers pay attention and practice!!!

Thanks for posting!!! :rock:

Actually... i've heard many times that feet are fixed on these fast double kick parts. Im gonna double check and see if i can find the source that told me this.

There is TONS of feet fixing back in the analog days, especially on the burns produced morrisound stuff. That i know for sure.

I'll post later if i can find the source of the lombardo thing. I think he even admitted it in a interview once.

Seriously though, the drum performace overall is fucking great, regardless of fixed kicks.
no bother chaps. here's another one i f"""" love the bass sound here.










anyways search youtube, there's another couple of good ones!
Actually... i've heard many times that feet are fixed on these fast double kick parts. Im gonna double check and see if i can find the source that told me this.

There is TONS of feet fixing back in the analog days, especially on the burns produced morrisound stuff. That i know for sure.

I believe it Mark!
Since our James Murphy said that Scott Burns converted audio to midi to trigger the bass drum, then I guess via computer (I doubt it) or drum machine/sampler (really possible) Scott fixed the timing.
Maybe I'm wrong who knows ;)