Slayer - World Painted Blood

Well you're right that it's the most listenable thing they've done in a long time, but that still doesn't make it any good. The production was awful, the songs were way too long, and most of the riffs were extremely unmemorable. Honestly, way better things to listen to than Death Magnetic.

this, its mediocre crap
Well you're right that it's the most listenable thing they've done in a long time, but that still doesn't make it any good. The production was awful, the songs were way too long, and most of the riffs were extremely unmemorable. Honestly, way better things to listen to than Death Magnetic.

I agree with you and I know for a fact you have better things to listen to. I just enjoy it personally for the nostalgia of the early records. It gives me that "Oh look how far they've come isn't that nice" feeling. Its like watching a cripple walk again after a bloody car crash that left them bed ridden.
No, no and no. If I want to enjoy the nostalgia of their earlier records, I listen to their earlier records. Death Magnetic is an extremely lame attempt at reliving their glory days. Lame riffs, lame songwriting, lame production and lamer than lame lyrics. Honestly it's like they lost their inspiration in 1990 and have spent 20 years faffing about trying to be relevant and failing hard all the way. And of course they made most of their money during this period, so the delusion is running thick and strong.
Thats true but im gonna keep listening to them because I like them. I already payed for the fucking thing I might as well try to enjoy it.
Well you're right that it's the most listenable thing they've done in a long time, but that still doesn't make it any good. The production was awful, the songs were way too long, and most of the riffs were extremely unmemorable. Honestly, way better things to listen to than Death Magnetic.

in a nutshell.
Divine Intervention sucks

The title track is actually awesome. One of their best "dark" sounding tunes. I think it had like 2-3 other pretty damn good tracks. They sould have consolidated that album and made a killer EP.

I just got "World Painted Blood" this week... Bah. I don't fucking like it. They're kind of starting to make their sound a parody. I can't stand that reverb or whatever it is they put on Tom's vocals now. "Christ Illusion" is wayyyy better, and their 2nd best album that came after "SitA".
Slayer has always been hit and miss, but WPB is just plain awful. So is Death Magnetic to whoever's been talking about that. ffs.
I didnt bother listening to it. I heard too much negativity about it, and I like Slayer alot. Didnt want it to ruin the band for me.
No, no and no. If I want to enjoy the nostalgia of their earlier records, I listen to their earlier records. Death Magnetic is an extremely lame attempt at reliving their glory days. Lame riffs, lame songwriting, lame production and lamer than lame lyrics. Honestly it's like they lost their inspiration in 1990 and have spent 20 years faffing about trying to be relevant and failing hard all the way. And of course they made most of their money during this period, so the delusion is running thick and strong.
I agree.
All Nightmare Long is the only listenable track off Death Magnetic but, its way to looonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg Goddamnit!!!!! Fuck Metallica for their wannabe epic boredom.
death magnetic was a damn good album. that was just your life and broken beat and scarred are fucking excellent. they were once up there among the heaviest bands in the world, those days are long gone, and their writing style hasn't really evolved, so what you're left with is a band that tried damn hard to summon up the best of themselves that they had left, and succeeded.

i enjoy lots of that album. no it's not underground brootal metal, but if you want that, why are you listening to metallica?

oh, and The second half of day that never comes is unlistenable, up there with the worst things they've ever done.