
Mar 13, 2006
Tacoma WA
Has anyone seen the Unholy Alliance tour yet? I'm going tomorrow, just wondered if any of you has caught the tour and what you thought of it.

Evil C, I'm going to see The Sword Saturday night, that should be a good time as well. I remember you raving about them some episodes back.
We skipped out on it because it was 50 something dollars per person, and they are only playing one new song live. And I like a few of the other bands, but not that much.. hehe. got to watch the money spenditure....

killer. weird, since they are actually from austin, 3 hours from here, I havent seen them play around houston since they broke...
50 bucks??? Man that is steep, the tickets here were only $35. Interesting....

I love Lamb of God and Mastodon as well, my brother is a big Mastodon fan, so we figured we could justify it. Besides, I sure as hell didn't have to blow $90 on Ozzfest this year with that lineup. :heh:
yea it was about $35 here as well. The one thing i liked that they did was they played the whole seasons of the abyss albulm. that is one of my favorite albulms from slayer. Also wanted to see COB. Never seen them live and have always wanted to. so to me it was well worth it, but nothing will beat seeing slayer and pantera together.
Great show, have to say though that Lamb of God stole the show. They were so fucking on it was unbelievable. Mastodon was killer too, have to say that at this stop Slayer was only 3rd best. They were real competent and professional, but not a lot of energy.