sleep terror

Cause for Effect is just amazing!!! Check them out in

Another great band that I recommend is Sieges Even... Great musicianship, clean vocals... Great stuff!!! Their first album sounds very very very similar to watchtower, and maybe too similar... Seems that they wanted to copy Watchtower, but in the other albums they are amazing! I personally like the Sophisticated and Uneven albums. Check them out! -

Another great band is Foe. Unfortunately I don´t have much information about them, I only know that they are from UK. Great instrumental band, not as insane as Spastic Ink, but great anyways.

I would recommend also Psycroptic - great 'not so tech'/death band, with not so bad vocals... Similar to Torture Squad from Brazil.

I also like Zero Hour, great band!

There is a lot of bands that I really love the instrumental part of the band, but hate the vocals - Theory In Practice is one of them - amazing instrumentals, but the vocals sucks.... The same occurs with Alarum (in my opinion) - I like the instruments, but don´t like the vocals, and the list goes on... I don´t know if I´m the only one, but you guys also hate that gutural strange vocals??? In some cases I thinks that these kind of vocals fit very well, like Death, Martyr, but there are few bands...

Talking about death/jazz, the first band that comes to my mind is Atheist, but I´m almost sure that everyone already listened to them... If not, check out! IMO they´re the best in death/jazz, although I don´t know so much death/jazz bands... There is more death/jazz bands??
this thing is definitely technical metal.
i can sort of see the DEP comparison... this definitely leans more towards the death metal realm though. a lot of the metal riffage reminds me of broken hope (loathing) in the precision of the recording... and some riffage in the oppressor realm. its definitely a fun listen and its tight as hell... awesome stuff. thanks for the link whoever posted.

hearing this stuff just gets intimidating haha :loco:

ronjarz said:
Now that's some wacky shit!!

Alex (Webster) sent me that link a few months ago. I think the guitarist is a good friend of his.

So what genre would you guys put this band/project in? Is this also "technical metal"?? They sound a bit like Dillinger Escape Plan to me...

night terror.
pretty good stuff.
would do better for me w/vocals or more guitar, something to counter some of those riffs, but definitely sounds thought out and tight.
Holy crap! I've been a lurker on this board for a while now, but this thread caught my eye!

The members in Sleep Terror are good friends of mine. They recently left Seattle (where I live) & set up in Sacromento. I was asked to audition for them, but time commitments kept me from joining the band. I'm still a huge supporter of them though. Luke, the guitarist, is absolutely phenomenal & it's cool to see his music put up on a forum such as this. For those into death metal, you may have seen him play. He was hired as Vile's live guitarist last year when they went on tour with Cannibal Corpse (thus why Alex Webster is familiar with ST's music). Sleep Terror will be a great underground success in the death metal world. Watch for them!
If you guys are into the extremely technical death metal, i would strongly urge you to check out Necrophagist from Germany. They are absolutely fantastic musicians and really deserve every bit of recognition they get.
Pretty cool...Did the drummer actually play that with two bass pedals or does he use a triple bass pedal or any crap like that? The double bassing sounds unrealistically fast....
It might be worth me noting the "prog" definition. For some people, I think prog has come to mean just stuff that's techincal, which isn't really what it is. Of course there's lots of prog that is very technical, but if asked to name bands that define the "true" prog, I would probably name things like Pain Of Salvation, Devin Townsend, Arcturus, Solefald, and the like.
Necrophagist is awesome. Also, I ordered Martyr's album 'Warp Zone,' which is technical death metal, although I don't think it's nearly as brutal as Necrophagist. Maybe more influenced by Death. Hopefully it will get here tomorrow or Tuesday. Their main guy (vocalist and lead guitarist), Dan Mongrain is currently on tour with Cryptopsy filling in for Jon Levasseur.

In terms of death metal, Wormed is also very technical, just not with the guitar solos....they don't really seem to have those.
Leonardo_codev said:
Pretty cool...Did the drummer actually play that with two bass pedals or does he use a triple bass pedal or any crap like that? The double bassing sounds unrealistically fast....

All of the drums on 'Onset Of Putrefaction' are programmed with a drum machine. One guy played all of the instruments, did the vocals, and programmed the drum machine. They have a full band on 'Epitaph,' though. I don't know which one you're listening to.
Yeah, I learned about Sleep Terror a couple months ago, as they just moved back here to Sacramento. If you guys like them, you might dig Excarnum (RIP), also from Sacramento. That band featured John Oster from Psypheria. I believe they still have some songs posted on their site.
I really dig what i´ve heard of sleep terror, really nice mix of brutal death with many kind of styles( jazz, funk, surf, neoclassical etc..).

Its a good way to go imo, if they could get a better fussion that would be great. Figure a band that would do a bit what Atheist did, but in the brutal death style!
SLEEP TERROR IS ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING AND TECHNICAL BANDS I'VE EVER HEARD! they kind of remind me of Necrophagist. that, i would say is the best comparison. brutal as all hell, yet amazingly complex and jazzy. these guys will most definitely go places. now if you'll excuse me, i have to slap their name on every technical/progressive message board i can think of lol. i feel it is my duty to promote this band as much as possible. they simply must be heard to be believed. oh yes, and i also checked out Alarum. they own too.