Slightly OT: Please Sign The ProgPower Necktie!


Who drops crackers?
Apr 1, 2006
Albany, Ga

A good friend of mine found out about me going to this year's PP (who's now planning on attending next year), and when I asked about him wanting anything signed while I was there, he asked "Well, can you get a necktie, or is that sort of thing not "metal" enough for the PP crowd?"

What I'm basically asking is for not only for the usual band signings (that's easy enough to pull off, with the signing sessions and everything) but to try to take this solid white tie, and have it completely covered with the signatures of as many forum members, crew, and whoever I can snag while I'm in Atlanta. I figure if I'm going to do something this weird, I might as well go over the top.

So if you see a weird guy during your stay who looks like a horrible cross-breeding of Jon Olivia, Nathan Explosion, and Chris Farley, who's holding an enormus white tie and a Sharpie, don't be too creeped out if he asks for your John Hancock.

Thanks in advance for any help I can get in this undertaking. I'm seriously planning on returning this thing back to him with at least 50 names, and want to cram this thing as full as possible.
So if you see a weird guy during your stay who looks like a horrible cross-breeding of Jon Olivia, Nathan Explosion, and Chris Farley, who's holding an enormus white tie and a Sharpie, don't be too creeped out if he asks for your John Handcock.
Dude, fix that typo quick. It's Hancock :lol:

Thanks in advance for any help I can get in this undertaking. I'm seriously planning on returning this thing back to him with at least 50 names, and want to cram this thing as full as possible.
I suspect you'll have no probelm. You may need a bigger tie.
I will sign a tie, but no handcock.

In fact, why don't you make it even more bizarre.... Like, get a dead rat signed or something?

*memories of PPV come to mind*
You know what trooly would be metal is buy some old leather jacket or jean jacket and bring it with a whiteout pen or like silver sharpie. Then you decorate the jacket with studs or something afterward.

Rob Halford and Manowar would be proud if you did this.