Slipknot- All Hope Is Gone


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2008
Slipknot's new single has to be one of their most brutal songs ever, but the drums are to fast and the corey's voice has just lost it in my opinion.

Here is a link to the video:
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Watered down Iowa FTL. Then on the other extreme, Psychosocial sounds like a Stone Sour song off of Come What(ever) May. Vol 3 was good because Slipknot was forced to change their style and they did some really nice experimental stuff.

The new material sounds like they've lost that creative flair that made vol3 so good.
What are you people talkn about the new songs kick ass they've finally stepped up there game and personaly i could not be happier fast drum,great voices and kick ass guitars what more do you want
They stepped up the game with vol 3 when they experimented a little.

As for the new song. Shit. Utter shit.

Good girl :)

All Slipknot did IMHO is switch from decent NU Metal to good/decent Metalcore.
What are you people talkn about the new songs kick ass they've finally stepped up there game and personaly i could not be happier fast drum,great voices and kick ass guitars what more do you want

your a fuckin tripper dude, its metal by numbers bullshit that lacks tallent and feel...not to mention originality that cd not to mention the band is a constant and steep decline into mediocrity, iowa had some appeal through its more visable death metal roots but this really blows a big meaty one and the dvd that comes with it is almost as pathetic and rancid as the shite on voliminal anyone who can promote this needs a labotomy cause they are not right in the head....blind faith to a band doesnt make you a misunderstood metal fan when u defend shit ok bands slip and fall in there shit and some just lived there to begin with.
hey I love slipknot. Been a fan of them ever since 2000. Why does everyone hate on a band because they change the way they sound? The band evolved and the whole album is wonderfully done. People say they are fake metal but that term just came from some punk who hated a way his favorite band changed their sound and it caught on. Slipknot may not be your cup of tea but that does not mean its shit. Just means its not for you.
INMHO it's their best since Slipnot. They deserve their current place in the music world and they are one of the very few extreme-sounding bands that have made it to the mainstream. genious.
The problem with All hope is gone has to be the album is too split. you have sme really heavy songs like psychosocial which should set the overall tone of the album, but then you get all these songs that are just too melodic and change pace way to much, two albums, Slipknot and Iowa are wonderful albums, sounding consistent yet amazing and unique, whilst subliminal and All hope is gone were lacking on count of the overall consistency. they also have good potential songs like, "Where in lies continue", which in my opinion got ruined when the heaviness stops and it goes soft and melodic. Subliminal had very good potential, with only a few but tolerable ambient and melodic songs that were kind of cool and freaky. I feel a lot of people miss and SHOULD miss this about slipknot. their two latest albums disappoint where there fist two are perfect, that is slipknot.

And one sentence is not enough to be considered a review (to topic poster).
I have to agree to an extent that Slipknot have have achieved the impossible with this record. Whoever would have thought when self titled debut 'SLIPKNOT' album came out that they would have a number #1 chart topping album, impressive for any band outside the pop genre - but these guys have built there career on selling watered down death metal to kids. genius.

On the subject of the latest album itself however, I feel it lacks consistency and sounds pretty confused. Metal by numbers or not, the singe Psychosocial is a well written fist pumping song. But the rest of the album is completely void of hooks and the aggression sounds tired and lukewarm.

'SLIPKNOT' and 'IOWA' are much more interesting, cohesive records. tunes like 'Sulpher' and 'all hope is gone' just don't come close to some of the genius that is 'eyeless' and 'people=shit'. go figure.
hey I love slipknot. Been a fan of them ever since 2000. Why does everyone hate on a band because they change the way they sound? The band evolved and the whole album is wonderfully done. People say they are fake metal but that term just came from some punk who hated a way his favorite band changed their sound and it caught on. Slipknot may not be your cup of tea but that does not mean its shit. Just means its not for you.
I alway's liked Slipknot, metal people have always hated them simply for the reason that they are Popular. I like all of their albums, they are as heavy and deadly as most of the bands people claim are so true. I don't know why they need 9 or 10 members to sound the way they do, but Slipknot can definitely play some heavy metal.
Their album Iowa was decent but I never cared for Slipknot much. Their new stuff seems kind of unoriginal and I think its lacking something (I'm not sure what, but you get the idea).

Joey is the only one in the band I actually care for, and thats just because I think he's fucking hot. I don't think he's that great of a drummer, his speed is like 80% pedals 15% actual talent and 5% luck.
new album sucked... only track that was any good was dead memories and it didnt even sound like slipknot. after iowa they went downhill and started to sell out, but their music was still decent. now theyre not even trying, has anyone heard their new single thats been playing on the radio? its pathetic shit, heres a link so that you can see for yourselves.
i apologize in advance for the shit your about to watch.
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new album sucked... only track that was any good was dead memories and it didnt even sound like slipknot. after iowa they went downhill and started to sell out, but their music was still decent. now theyre not even trying, has anyone heard their new single thats been playing on the radio? its pathetic shit, heres a link so that you can see for yourselves. i apologize in advance for the shit your about to watch.

No need to apologize, it's a good song and radio ballad from All Hope Is Gone, it's like song 11, so helps break up the album from being pure heavy aggro all the time.
Look...the thing that people have to understad is that a lot of bands do this. At first they have a sound that helps connect with their fans. But over time they get older and mature as ARTISTS. Corey said that Vol. 3 was the "rebirth" of Slipknot, and not that hes saying there going to change drastically, they will have some new or different elements. I think his time with Stone Sour has part of the reason that slipknot has become more experimental and different to others. Personally, i like every song on AHIG. Dont know why people say that some songs belong on Stone Sour albums, if your a real fan of both it's not hard to hear that corey has different styles for both bands. Like Slipknot themselves said, "We don't write what people want to hear, we write for ourselves. If you don't like it, then fuck you." And thats all I have to say about that.