slipknot shift 250,000 in the states in first week!


riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
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fuck its great to see a metal band stirring shit up again,it used to be pantera every time they released an album,i honestly thought the best had already come for slipknot but the time off they had has done them the world of good.
it won't mean shit unless they start backing up their word when they say they are into real underground metal, by bringing out some good metal bands rather than other nu rock.

I see velvet revolver is shipping around 200,000 so rock in general is doing better than it has .
it is good to see real metal back on the map again

although i never really got my head round the 1st 2 shitknot albums i was really impressed when i heard their new one

and velvet revolver couldn't fail - the good bits of gnr mixed with the best bit of stp - a marraige made in a particularly fine gutter!

personally i cant wait to see velvet revolver live but i agree with dutchy - someones gonna die before a tour hits the uk!

metals definately on the up - which is why its so gutting to see anthrax struggling - musically they're leading the charge, its fuckin criminal that they're not getting the industry support to enable them to match it in album sales

if shitknot can shift 250k, on musical merit alone wcfya should have shifted half a million easily- life is shit sometimes!
I didn't know Slipknot were on heroine? Where'd you read that? Which ones in the band??
Slayer started with crack cocaine but they seem to be oing strong still, so there you go. ake a look at who they thank on Hell Awaits.
thenotman said:
I didn't know Slipknot were on heroine? Where'd you read that? Which ones in the band??
Slayer started with crack cocaine but they seem to be oing strong still, so there you go. ake a look at who they thank on Hell Awaits.
Nope!!!Velvet Revolver!!!!
That Weiland guy!!!he's the biggest addict in the music bizzzzzzzzz!!
It's a shame when the needle controls the man and the man don't control the needle anymore.
But it actually pisses me off that people still try and support STP or anything that Weiland guy does if he just fucks around with drugs and desn't do his jo properly anymore.
How many times has that guy been busted by the police??
That's another thing, he may be doing hardly any drugs but is just shit at hiding it and gets caught all the time. HAHA
Steroids anyone?? Anybody tried steroids around here??
thenotman said:
It's a shame when the needle controls the man and the man don't control the needle anymore.
But it actually pisses me off that people still try and support STP or anything that Weiland guy does if he just fucks around with drugs and desn't do his jo properly anymore.
How many times has that guy been busted by the police??
That's another thing, he may be doing hardly any drugs but is just shit at hiding it and gets caught all the time. HAHA
Steroids anyone?? Anybody tried steroids around here??
I think I'd like to get on steroids. I'm thinking about beating my wife and small children but i don't have enough testosterone flowing right now to do it.

Seriously though, I got the new Slipknot CD and I must say i sort of like it, but it is nothing like what i expected. It seems pretty damned light to me and I never got Iowa--All I have is the first CD. THis one is very toned-down it seems compared to the first CD, but it has a cool interesting feel to it. As I said I think i like it, but I am still listening to it. I have found if i only listen to a CD once or twice I usually do not have a good gauge of it.
have enough testosterone flowing right now to do it
That's okay, you can buy testosterone patches now.
I'm a real man, a beat up my mom without steroids. Beat that!
fatdonut said:
it is good to see real metal back on the map again

although i never really got my head round the 1st 2 shitknot albums i was really impressed when i heard their new one

What exactly don't metal fans like about slipknot? To me, their first two albums couldn't be heavier, their lyrics couldn't be more harsh and real, and as a whole the band is the epitome of anti-radio. What do they have to do to be more metal? Are they classified as nu-metal just because of their image gimmick and because their shirts are in hot topic? That shouldn't dictate fans, the music should...and to me the music is as extreme as any band out there. Several members of the band are Anthrax-influenced and are very vocal about it-they love Anthrax. I haven't heard the new one yet, but I doubt I will be hearing many tracks on the radio. Why should I dislike them?
The new Slipknot rocks! It sounds like a much more mature album from them. My only beef with it is that while the slower type songs are good songs, I could have done with one or two less of them. I think the other songs are still heavy, just not as crazy as their previous stuff-There doesn't seem to be 20 different noises on each song competing for your attention. Its kind of like if you took the best parts of Stone Sour and combined it with the best parts of Slipknot, IMHO.
sufferer said:
fatdonut said:
it is good to see real metal back on the map again

although i never really got my head round the 1st 2 shitknot albums i was really impressed when i heard their new one

What exactly don't metal fans like about slipknot? To me, their first two albums couldn't be heavier, their lyrics couldn't be more harsh and real, and as a whole the band is the epitome of anti-radio. What do they have to do to be more metal? Are they classified as nu-metal just because of their image gimmick and because their shirts are in hot topic? That shouldn't dictate fans, the music should...and to me the music is as extreme as any band out there. Several members of the band are Anthrax-influenced and are very vocal about it-they love Anthrax. I haven't heard the new one yet, but I doubt I will be hearing many tracks on the radio. Why should I dislike them?

most people just realize you can make just as heavy sound minus 5 people that just run around on stage. If they took of the gimmicky masks, performed as a 4 piece, and actually backed up their word of bringing real underground metal acts on road with them, more people would say positive things about them
tattooedsean666 said:
most people just realize you can make just as heavy sound minus 5 people that just run around on stage. If they took of the gimmicky masks, performed as a 4 piece, and actually backed up their word of bringing real underground metal acts on road with them, more people would say positive things about them
Sean, ya nailed this mother fucker on the head.
Like Slipknot really gives a rats ass what anybody says, they sold 250,00 in one week, that says it all. As far as their touring goes, why get "real underground metal acts" to tour with when they can tour and co-headline, at times, with Slayer.
tattooedsean666 said:
most people just realize you can make just as heavy sound minus 5 people that just run around on stage. If they took of the gimmicky masks, performed as a 4 piece, and actually backed up their word of bringing real underground metal acts on road with them, more people would say positive things about them
i dont know what your beef is with slipknot but they fly the heavy metal flag high,fuck someone needs to keep heavy metal in the limelight,by slipknot being successful they are helping the underground,they dont owe anybody shit!
eh, dont care if they owe anyone anything. They still suck.

if i wanted too, shit i could write a song with the same three riffs played over and over and over.

to be honest, the drummer is the only one in the band with any talent.

That and they really need too lose the fuckin masks cause that shit is just corny.

Masks and covering your identity, hmm yea kiss already did that in the 70's.