Slough Feg: Hardworlder

are you sure? I though deadmen was there best work. Redman and Sky chariots get me going. And although avatism was short, it had more substance I think. Ultimately, I think the abscense of Cobbett, who is the main guy in Hammers of Misfortune has hurt the band in terms of having better riffery. And now hammers of misfotune doesn't have Mike Scalzi. Both need each other.
I saw them play some of the new stuff at their CD release show a few weeks ago and the new tracks weren't really hitting me, but the only songs I really liked were the ones off "Atavism" which happens to be the only album of theirs I know, so I think the new stuff felt weak only because I didn't know it.

Christ that was a mouthful. :erk:
are you sure? I though deadmen was there best work. Redman and Sky chariots get me going. And although avatism was short, it had more substance I think. Ultimately, I think the abscense of Cobbett, who is the main guy in Hammers of Misfortune has hurt the band in terms of having better riffery. And now hammers of misfotune doesn't have Mike Scalzi. Both need each other.

I dunno about that. Even though a lot of great music came out the time those two spent playing together (in whichever band that happened to be), HoM is still overwhelmingly the creative product of Cobbett and Slough Feg that of Scalzi. It does, however, seem weird that HoM will have a different person doing male vocals now.
No way!!! Traveller is the best! All who don't believe Traveller is the greatest album that Slough Feg has ever done shall die before thy almighty Odin the greatest false god to ever live! He shall slice you all who didn't vote for Traveller into pieces fore Odin ownz you all!!!!