Slow Morbid Angel....


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Ooooh... Caps. :grin:

I have gateways, Formulas, Domination.... Formulas is the best. Crazy Jazz-Death-Prog at times.

Someone give me a list of their 'slower' sludgy songs, such as 'God of emptiness', and 'nothing is not'.... Please?


-Trapped in a fishbowl.
Domination and BATS are my faviroute MA albums.

There's an interesting section in their new album however, Gateways to Anihalation. Around the middle of the album, where the guitars kind of roll into this extremely fast drum beat...not sure exactly which track but its a damn fine piece of music. I kind of second guessed myself when I first heard it.

anyone know what I'm on about?
On Covenant - check out

track 3. World of Shit (The Promised Land)
track 10. God of Emptiness

My fav sludge is He who sleeps. UnReal.
From my favorite Morbid Angel Album(Gateways To Annihilation):

He Who Sleeps
At One With Nothing
Secured Limitations

are all slower Morbid Angel songs, the rest of that album is also done slower than old Morbid Angel, but loses none of it's heaviness.

*EDIT* Whoops I didn't see that you already had Gateways.. well so much for that