Small band needs artist to lend talent


In Ruins
Jul 12, 2003
Alberta Canada
My band is going to be needing a logo and cover art design for our upcoming demo cd. We're a grind/hardcore band that has drained our budget on assorted gear. We're looking for a talented artist that would be willing to help out an underground band. We wouldn't be able to offer much in the way of money, but you would get a copy of the cd (if you wanted it), a link on our official site, some good word of mouth, and our eternal gratitude.

Anyone interested can reply or email me at with a link to a few examples of their work. Also let me know if you're experienced with cd templates and sizes. The band name is Fallen Victim. We might be a little discriminating in that the design must suit our music, so you might need a soundclip/lyrics sheet to get an idea of our style.

My party is in need of a band, you need to play for two nights. Both nights will have original song, 16 hours worth . . . Oh, Did I mention I couldn't pay you, my budget is in getting enough food beer and drugs for the party. Ill let you have some food a beer the first night. Second night Ill say your names and say your cool. <<<This is so you get another gig; you might be able to whore your self out, you slut.

You better sound good or the party will stomp you and take your instruments.


Hah. I guess that sounded pretty bad. We aren't going to be that discriminating. We would also try to scrape together a few bucks, but we're looking for someone who will do it mainly just to help out a small band.

So far we know of one artist who is willing to do this for us.