Small little Katagory V update


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Hello again Katagorians....

Well, being that things are seriously slow, not only here on the forum, but for anything news worthy to post on the website in the Kat 5 camp (reviews, interviews, pictures, ect. ect.). And becasue we are currently not schedualed to play live for a while, I figured I'd drop by here and add some content and tell you about a few things that are abound. It's not much, but it's somthin' ;)

We swill tart tracking for pre-prodcution in about a week (i.e recording demo tracks) for the follow-up to "A New Breed of Rebellion". As mentioned on the website recently, we have 10 songs ready, and once they are recorded and submitted to the label, we're going to see if we can get a few clips of them on the website for you all to check out. :grin: Our target to have the demo's submitted is by the end of July and will hopefully start recordingthealbum in August.

So for the next month or two, sit back and relax with our latest album, "A New Breed..." . we'll also have have some news on the artwork for the upcoming album, a list of all the song tiltes and hopefully some small clips for your listening pleasure! If anything pops up between now & then... you'll be the first to know!

On a side note here... In case any of you have noticed, MetalAges Media (a divsion of the label we are on, MetalAges Records) has puchased! :Spin: There will be afew changes... but most will not be noticeable, but one thing is for sure, the forum sure does load a lot faster!
Congrats to Mark & Deron on taking the plunge!
