Smoldering in Exile

Furious B

Aug 9, 2002
Whilst my drive to work the other day I had popped in the album The Inexorable by Angel Corpse. I remember jamming, essentially destroying my steering wheel with an onslaught of uncontrollable blasting. Vicious vocals and lyrics amidst a fury of guitar and drums that would make the elderly croak and children weep. This album is fucking awesome. I wonder why the hell this band is essentially “exiled” from the metal community and never discussed, as said album is easily one of the best black death albums ever put out. I’m pretty sure Henrik Main digs them, but I don’t think I recall hearing anyone else give praise to this, now defunct band. I can’t vouch for their other albums, but The Inexorable is highly recommended for both black and death metal fans alike.
It didn't really do much for me. THen again, I'm not really into the nonstop blastbeat type of death metal anymore.
Furious B said:
(....) I’m pretty sure Henrik Main digs them (....)

Absolutely, I WORSHIP the band. I heard "The Inexorable" for the first time back in March, but it's already one of my five favourite death metal releases of all time. "Smoldering In Exile" is a riff-galore that is not of this world! Same goes for "When Abyss Winds Return", and - gah - the entire album, to be honest :tickled:

"Exterminate" is also 11/10. A truly fantastic band, with the most evil and KILLER riffs ever. Argh, I wish they'd never split up.

Edit: I've actually seen quite a lot of praise of Angel Corpse on various other metal forums, even over at General Music Discussion.