sneak preview... (Wacken pics)


veteran headbanger \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Regina, SK, Canada
Hi all!
I know Nico told poor Sexy Sir Lyle;) to have patience to see the pics, but they are too good to not share.. so here's just a little preview from Nico's Dragonlord pics from Wacken: :p



Aren't they adoooorable??? :grin:
It will take me a while to have the whole Wacken update online at his site. We are going on a holiday in a few days, so it'll be early October :p
If you download these pics, beware that they are copyrighted!! Please ask Nico if you (or anybody you send them to) want to use them on a site! All he wants is credits and a link, so that's fair enough, right?:)
Originally posted by Heretic _Princess
they just need a bit of corpse paint and they would look Perfect :grin: .....kidding they look awesome RAWR!!!

waaahahahaha!! :lol:

ewww.. with corpse paint we wouldn't get to see their ugly.. eeerrrr oops!... goooorgeous faces!! ;)

And I just can't shake that feeling that I've seen Derrick before.. I've been thinking of several similar-looking musicians, but each time I see Derrick's pics I think I know HIM.. maybe in a past life :grin:
Originally posted by Marlies
And I just can't shake that feeling that I've seen Derrick before.. I've been thinking of several similar-looking musicians, but each time I see Derrick's pics I think I know HIM.. maybe in a past life :grin:

marlies, hon,

you HAVE seen him before. derrick did a stint with TESTAMENT some years ago on the "DEMONIC" tour. he's eric's cousin.

thanks again to you and nico. you are true assets to the metal community :grin:.
Originally posted by Marlies
waaahahahaha!! :lol:

ewww.. with corpse paint we wouldn't get to see their ugly.. eeerrrr oops!... goooorgeous faces!! ;)

And I just can't shake that feeling that I've seen Derrick before.. I've been thinking of several similar-looking musicians, but each time I see Derrick's pics I think I know HIM.. maybe in a past life :grin:

Hehe! I know they are way to much gorgeous to cover themselves with corpse paint...
It would be neet to see that's all
Originally posted by ms. anthrope
marlies, hon,

you HAVE seen him before. derrick did a stint with TESTAMENT some years ago on the "DEMONIC" tour. he's eric's cousin.

thanks again to you and nico. you are true assets to the metal community :grin:.

:blush: enooouuugh! but thx;) :grin:

I don't know.. I haven't seen Testament in aaaages, I don't even remember when I did see them the last time. I somehow missed several occasions, don't know why. Not because I didn't want to.. I love the band:) The 1987 Dynamo CLUB show is still one of my all time favorite gigs - man I went completely bezerk! :rock: